Saturday 17 February 2024

America’s Achilles Heel: Winning Without Fighting


Smoking Gun showing how the Petrol Oligarchs killed civilian development of nuclear energy.

America’s Achilles Heel: Winning Without Fighting

The United States is technologically constrained by the interests of its oligarchs. The United States military cannot arm it’s military with the best equipment technologically possible. Because it is not in the interests of the petrol oligarchs who control the energy infrastructure of the United States. Their interests have to be taken into account. The US military, with a few notable exceptions, is limited to the best military petroleum can give them. This technological limitation is America’s Achilles heel. America has spent an inordinate amount of resources trying to limit the spread of nuclear technology under the cover nuclear proliferation fears. But more because it threatens the rubric of America world domination via the petrodollar. US oligarchs are invested in petroleum energy. Their World domination strategy depends on control of the global energy paradigm. 

If Russia or China can break US global domination by developing the technology US petrol oligarchs could not. Use nuclear energy to make electricity too cheep to meter etc.One technology that has been stillborn is the nuclear-powered airliner. China or Russia could very easily develop a nuclear-powered SST that travels Mach 5 at 100,000 feet, making a New York to Tokyo trip under 2 hours or Moscow to Beijing in less than an hour. The US Navy is seriously constrained by the interests of US oligarchs. They cannot have the energy hungry DEW weapons that they need by building an all-nuclear navy. Instead, they have to refuel in foreign ports exposing themselves to unconventional attacks like what happened to the USS Cole. They cannot even get out of the 1930’s carrier-based paradigm either. But I digress. One way an opponent can change the game to the detriment of the US petrol oligarchs is to go big in the nuclear arena. Do the things that the US petol oligarchs refused to do because it threatened their investments and world domination schemes.

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