Sunday 3 February 2019


There was no stand down on 911. What really happened is the military's communications were jammed and Bush was unable to give the order to shoot down the airliners. He was more importantly unable to give the order to launch America's nuclear weapons. It only takes 15 to 30 minutes for Russia's missiles to reach America coming over the pole. Bush's communications were down for hours. America would have lost WW3 if it had been fought on 911. Maybe that's what Putin and Bush discussed on 911? 

23 March 2019
The stand down lie was promoted by the government to cover up the communications jamming. The government is the only entity that benefits from the stand down lie. In a world of bad, worse and worst having to admit your were electronically decapitated is the worst situation. A stand down is either bad or worse depending on who you are. It's definitely a shitty situation to be in if you are George W. Bush because the inside job cover story will forever tarnish your legacy. His legitimacy had to be sacrificed. Because the legitimacy of the whole system would be in doubt, if they told the nation the truth about 911. If there is any truth behind W's supposed Christian values that did not stop him from lying on 911. If god is truth, he might be looking at hellfire in the afterlife.  

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