Wednesday 2 January 2019


The attacks of the 911 revealed that the avionics on the F-117 have been compromised. 911 was a Russian revenge attack on the United States for the humiliations visited upon Russia by the American Ruling Class, during the 1990’s. The precision strike on the DIA/NOC offices at the Pentagon shows that the Honeywell Avionics system used on Boeing airliners in the 911 attacks have been compromised. During the 1990’s Russian intelligence targeted Honeywell, IBM and other American high-tech corporations (Lunev, and Winkler 158). If the avionics of the 757-767 is compromised, then so is the avionics of other planes. The avionics found on the Boeing 757-767 are also found on the Space Shuttle and the F-117 stealth fighter (Ramsey) (Kopp).The Russians are responsible for the destruction of the Space Shuttle Columbia. They have a history of using Direct Energy Weapons (DEW) against the American Space Shuttle (Note 5). The compromise of the F-117's avionics led to its retirement in 2008. 

1.     "F-117A Nighthawk Stealth Fighter - Airforce Technology". Airforce Technology, 2018, Accessed 20 Dec 2018.
2.     Lunev, Stanislav, and Ira Winkler. Through The Eyes Of The Enemy. Regnery Pub., 1998.
3.     Kopp, Carlo. "Lockheed F-117A Stealth Fighter". Ausairpower.Net, 2018, Accessed 20 Dec 2018.
4.     Ramsey, James W. "The Space Shuttle, Modernized". Avionics Today, 1999, Accessed 20 Dec 2018.
5.     On 11 October 1984, the US defence secretary reported to the president that equipment on the Challenger shuttle broke down and crew felt unwell when it passed over Lake Balkhash, near Norak, suggesting that the Soviets were testing a new anti-satellite weapon. Indeed, the Terra-3 experimental laser radar was used on Defence Minister Dmitriy Ustinov's orders. After a US protest, the Soviets promised not to use it against manned spacecraft. The Americans, however, were worried, thinking that Okno was a beam anti- satellite weapon system. This nearly wrecked the Soviet-US summit in 1985, which only went ahead after Soviet specialists proved that Okno had no radiating elements.

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