Saturday 7 November 2015


“If we want to control this planet, we need to control the space around it.”
-Werner Von Braun  

Von Braun told the officer that interrogated him after his surrender, "The U.S. will let me go to Mars.”
-John Logsdon, Space Policy Institute, GWU

The mysterious object J002E3, first reported in print about one year after the attacks of 9-11, came and left Earth orbit between the summer of 2002 and May 2003. This puts J002E3 arrival and departure in step with build up to the second Iraq War and Bush's Mission Accomplished speech. Did the old Apollo S-IVB booster comeback to orbit just to watch George Bush use the American Military to conquer Iraq?

It was heralded as a “new moon” in one of the newspaper reports on the matter. I believe that the moon reference was a cryptic reference to Sputnik. Which was called a new moon in media reports at the time. It was aimed at foreign intelligence analysts. It was reminding them that America controls the space around the Earth. J002E3 has been identified as being an S-IVB booster from the Apollo program. I believe that Apollo utilized nuclear rocket engines. I am not certain if the whole rocket utilized them or just the upper stages. There are many references from the era stating that the S-IVB would utilize the NERVA engine.

The J002E3 came from and went back to L1 a Lagrangian point known for being an excellent place to build a space station. The existence of J002E3 suggests that America has a secret space station located in L1. By getting into space first and placing a constellation of weapons satellites into LEO America has pretty much created a lock on military control of the earth. Any nation that attempts to put weapons into space will have their weapons shot down in boost phase or in orbit. I also believe that America has secret bases on the moon and Mars. If China or Russia had decided to attack America, the American Ruling Class was going to escape to these space colonies. They would live there until the radiation died down enough for human habitation. 

Von Braun might even have gone to Mars. He did have an untimely death from pancreatic cancer. His death most certainly could have been faked. I wonder if he might have died on Mars because that was one of the conditions he had before surrendering to American Forces in World War 2. 

STRAUSS, STEPHEN. "Has Canadian Stargazer Discovered a New Moon?" The Globe and Mail [Canada] 13 Sept. 2002, SCIENCE sec.: A1. Print.

Winchester, James H. "The Miracle Light Beam." Mechanix Illustrated Jan. 1963: 57+. Print.

An L1 station would have a number of important functions due to its stationary position between the Earth and Moon. It is in an excellent location to monitor and coordinate communications among various missions on the nearside of the Moon. A vessel launched from L1 could reach any place on the Moon within a few hours to a day. This would make it ideal for crisis management if an emergency occurred on the Moon. Furthermore, it could serve as a way station, especially once built up, and would probably be used to handle tourists and casual visitors to the Moon. A station like this could also serve as a repair center for ships moving throughout the Solar System.
The L2 point, on the far side of the Moon, is completely shielded from Earth by the Moon so radio telescopes placed there would receive much less interference than existing telescopes. Of course, since the Moon is tide locked, any colony on the far side of the Moon has this same benefit; a lunar facility, however, would suffer from "Moonquakes".
Both L1 and L2 require active stationkeeping since neither is fully stable. Colonies at the L4 and L5 positions would have the advantage of being stable without any need for stationkeeping, and could be used as a waypoint for travel to and from cislunar space.

How does J002E3 jump back and forth between a Sun-centered orbit and an Earth-centered orbit? "It moves through the L1-point," explains Chodas. Also known as "the 1st Lagrangian point," the L1 point is a location in space 1.5 million km closer to the Sun than Earth. Objects placed there in a circular orbit will move around the Sun in exactly one year--always directly between our planet and the Sun. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, for example, is a spacecraft that lives at the L1 point. It enjoys a continuous view of the Sun, 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. Objects closer to Earth than the L1 point are controlled by Earth's gravity. Objects beyond the L1 point are controlled by the Sun. "When J002E3 came close to the L1 point in April 2002, the object passed throuhgh L1--like a portal--from a Sun-orbit to an Earth-orbit. At some time in the future it might leave Earth-orbit in the same way, back out through the L1 point."
In addition, they would significantly reduce the delta-v (velocity change) needed to move from one to another, or to enter or leave Earth orbit, an important drawback of any lunar surface station, which demands high energy expenditure to escape and a comparable or greater amount to soft-land.

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