APOLLO-12's third stage S-IVB leaves orbit, six weeks after President Bush declared "Mission Accomplished," on 15 June 2003, when Mars is closest to Earth. So, the American military has a Mars base? This is definitely possible with the nuclear engines the US developed under the NEPA/ANP programs. It is also in line with the terms Von Braun surrendered himself to the Americans. Apollo 12 was in orbit when the US terrorist proxy Chechens took down Moscow's Dubrovka Theater 23 October 2002. The terrorist outrage occurred under the cover of America's APOLLO GUARDIAN.
If the APOLLO-12 S-IVB was in orbit around Mars at the time of 9-11. It takes about 6 months at most to reach Earth from Mars. Mariner 7's 1969 four month flyby is the fastest recorded trip to the red planet. If Apollo-12 is using the gascore engines developed in 1950's and 60's, then it is making the trip to Mars in less than 30 days, less than a quarter of the time of Mariner 7.
If the APOLLO-12 S-IVB was in orbit around Mars at the time of 9-11. It takes about 6 months at most to reach Earth from Mars. Mariner 7's 1969 four month flyby is the fastest recorded trip to the red planet. If Apollo-12 is using the gascore engines developed in 1950's and 60's, then it is making the trip to Mars in less than 30 days, less than a quarter of the time of Mariner 7.
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RADAR camouflage skirt or stealth skirt. |
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OKNO Russia's Optical Tracking Station in Tajikistan. |
If true, this is more evidence that 9-11 was not an "inside job" nor was it Bin Laden. The American Military would not have made this move, if either scenario had been the case. The American Military uses stealth skirts to obscure their black space assets from view. There are also optical stealth tricks that can be employed to prevent optical detection. There is a grey paint that can be used to obscure these objects from prying eyes. The U.S. Military wanted this object to be seen by the Russians. Undoubtedly Russia's optical tracking station monitored Apollo-12 the whole time.
This is where the Earth was in relation to Mars when Apollo-12 left Earth orbit in 2003.
The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter was launched when Mars was a similar distance from Earth.
Launch of Mariner 7
Mars Flyby
The appearance of Apollo 12 shows that secretly hid a "Integrated Manned Interplanetary Spacecraft" is the upper stages of Saturn V rocket.
The five S-IVB's in heliocentric orbit form the five modules of the "Integrated Manned Interplanetary Spacecraft."
Apollo 12 is the nuclear shuttle that the ASPEN carrying the President will rendezvous with in orbit.
Lee, Christopher. War In Space. Hamilton, 1986, pp. 10-11.
"In America, a 'super shuttle' has been designed that could take off like a conventional plane, fly to a high altitude and then, if necessary, boost itself into orbit - on board would be the Commander-in-Chief, the President." (Lee 10-11)
The nuclear shuttle would transport him to an command center.
The PHOEBUS 2A reached the needed power levels to propel the ASPEN on 26 June 1968 (NASA 1991). This was three years after Bussard's prediction for ROVER. He had predicted that ROVER would reach a power level of 4.9 Gigawatts by 1965 (Atomic Energy Commission, 1961). This could be a sign of a NASA misinformation campaign. This definitely shows that America had created a rocket engine that could put a pound of payload into orbit for $16.53 in July 1968 dollars or $118.20 in 2018 CPI inflation adjusted dollars (Dewar and Bussard, 2009). It would have even been cheaper using an all nuclear ASPEN. The ANP/NEPA goal was to build a supersonic plane that ran exclusively on nuclear power (The Comptroller General Of The United States, 1963). Therefore the technology was there to build the ASPEN and cheaply deploy defensive space weaponry in the form of lasers into orbit in 1968. This would not necessarily violate the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 because defensive lasers do not fall into the WMD category (Unoosa.org, 2018) . If an ASPEN was built before 1968 - there is ample reason to believe the needed power levels were reached before this - America probably put nuclear weapons into space under the CAMAL program. There are loop holes in this treaty. If, for example, the USA put an ORION into orbit, they could have put nuclear explosives in space that have a peaceful purpose (Dyson, 2003). Because they are used to propel the space craft. These charges could very easily be converted over to weapons purposes.
Atomic Energy Commission (1961). ASPEN : AN AEROSPACE PLANE WITH NUCLEAR ENGINES. Los Alamos: University Of California, p.10.
Comptroller General Of The United States (1963). REPORT TO THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES: REVIEW OF MANNED AIRCRAFT NUCLEAR PROPULSION PROGRAM ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION AND DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE. [online] Washington D.C., p.Comptroller General of the United States. Available at: https://fas.org/nuke/space/anp-gao1963.pdf [Accessed 29 Apr. 2018].
Dewar, J. and Bussard, R. (2009). The nuclear rocket. Burlington, Ont.: Apogee Books.
Dyson, G. (2003). Project Orion. New York: Henry Holt.
Unoosa.org. (2018). Outer Space Treaty. [online] Available at: http://www.unoosa.org/oosa/en/ourwork/spacelaw/treaties/outerspacetreaty.html [Accessed 27 Apr. 2018].
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