The USS Cole was attacked on October 12th, 2000. Three months prior to this on August 12th, 2000 at 7:28:26 A.M. GMT - the Russian submarine Kursk was torpedoed by the USS Toledo and the USS Memphis (Carre). The odds of two major sinking's occurring twice on the twelfth of the month in a year are 930 to 1. The odds are long that this was a coincidence. The sinking of the USS Cole was a Russian retaliatory strike avenging the sinking of the Kursk.
Carré, Jean-Michel. Kursk: A Submarine In Troubled Waters. Journeyman Pictures, 2004.
"Russia, U.S. agree 'friendly fire' did not sink Kursk", 08 September 2000. Moscow (CNN) Retrieved from
"The United States on Wednesday told the Russians it monitored two explosions, the first at 7:28:26 am GMT and the second much larger explosion at 7:30:42 GMT."
There are many things that show the Russians sponsored 911. Some of them are:
- The precision targeting of the Navy Operations Center (NOC) and Defense intelligence Agency (DIA) offices at the Pentagon.
- The timing of the bombing of the WTC's North Tower which occurred at 10:28:22 A.M.. The same time the Kursk was torpedoed.
- The communications jamming of Air Force One.
- The day of the 11 September 2001 Capt. Gary Sick USN (Ret) and Columbia University professor of Middle East studies told CBS reporter Dan Rather that the attacks were beyond bin Laden's capabilities.
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This maneuver was executed to evade the Pentagon's missile defenses. |
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The reason why people did not see pieces of the fuselage on the lawn in front of the Pentagon is most of it entered the Pentagon. |
The "pilot" travelling at over 500 MPH put the nose of the airliner through a window of the Pentagon. "[Flight 77] crashed through the windows of rooms 1E462 and 1E466, right below Pak's office, just north of Corridor 4 (Vogel, 431)." The planes were electronically hijacked. This was covered up to save the airline industry. Sources: Vogel, Steve. The Pentagon. Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2008. |
No human could have piloted that plane with the precision necessary to hit the DIA/NOC offices at the Pentagon. The DIA/NOC offices were located in the inner D-ring of the Pentagon. Air Force One had its communications jammed on 911. President Bush was forced to land at Offutt Air Force Base on 911 because his communications were jammed to the point where he could not even watch CNN. In fact the whole line of presidential succession had their communications jammed on 911. The attacks were too complicated to have been carried out by Bin Laden.
The North Tower was imploded, using a nuclear weapon, at the same time 10:28:22 A.M. nearly to the second, the Kursk was torpedoed
The odds of the WTC North Tower collapsing at the same time as the Kursk was torpedoed are 17,280 to 1. The odds show that timing of the collapse was deliberate. Similarly the timing of the Cole bombing shows that it was deliberately timed as well. The odds of two major sinking's occurring twice on the twelfth of the month in a year are 930 to 1.
In order to accomplish these ends the planes used were remotely electronically hijacked and nuclear time bombs were planted in the WTC complex. The performance of the planes show they were not piloted by human beings. The timing of the collapse of the North Tower shows there were bombs in the buildings. There is plenty of evidence to show that nuclear bombs were used to bring down the towers. The radiation found at Fresh Kills landfill and higher cancer rate of 911 first responders point to nuclear demolition of the towers.
The attacks of 911 were the third attack to occur on the two year anniversary of events in the Russian Civil War in the Caucus Region. The OKC Bombing occurred on the two year anniversary of Dudeyev declaring himself dictator in Chechnya. The African Embassy Bombings took place on the two anniversary of the 1996 Battle of Grozny and the attacks of 911 took place on the two year anniversary of the Moscow Apartment Bombings the odds of this being a coincidence are 389,017,000 to 1.
The attacks of 911 can happen again anytime because Russian nuclear weapons are cached on American soil and the hijackings were electronic not physical. The government has pushed the lie of human hijackers in order to save the airline industry and to pressure the Saudis to stay in the petrodollar. The petrodollar is the keystone of American global hegemony. Putin’s Russia ultimately handed America its greatest strategic defeat with the attacks of 911 by making a mockery of America’s airborne WW3 doomsday plan. The attacks of 911 ultimately forced the Americans to back off their campaign to destroy Russia. The rise of President Vladimir Putin prevented Russia’s collapse and began its resurgence. The American national security apparatus has worked hard to cover up this defeat from the world and it’s own citizens because it has been shown they cannot defend the country.
(10:28:26 Hours) 12 August 2000
President Bill Clinton, in a bid to embarrass the Russians in front of Chinese naval officers, observing a test firing of the Shkval torpedo, sends two Los Angeles Class attack submarines the U.S.S. Memphis and U.S.S. Toledo to destroy the Kursk.
It seems as though many of the writers on the Kursk "disaster" cannot do basic math. The Kursk was torpedoed at 07:28:26 GMT. Moscow time is +3 GMT meaning you add three to Greenwich Mean Time to determine Moscow time. Yet, many articles on the "disaster" have said that the Kursk was torpedoed at 11:28:26 Hours. There was a move afoot to cover this up to prevent people from making the obvious connections to 9-11. Deception is always a sign of guilt. The writers that made these "errors" knew there was a connection between the torpedoing of the Kursk and 9-11.
"Russia, U.S. agree 'friendly fire' did not sink Kursk", 08 September 2000. Moscow (CNN) Retrieved from
"The United States on Wednesday told the Russians it monitored two explosions, the first at 7:28:26 am GMT and the second much larger explosion at 7:30:42 GMT."
18-19 August 2000
CIA assassination plot against Putin is disrupted
Whittell, Giles. "Plot to assassinate Putin foiled by security forces: Four Chechens detained." The Ottawa Citizen, 13 September 2000, Pg. A-10
(11:18:?? Hours) 12 October 2000
The USS Cole is bombed. The bomb explodes with such force that it turns the delivery boat into confetti sinking the U.S.S. Cole. Taking place exactly two months from the torpedoing of the Kursk by the U.S.S. Memphis, the Cole Bombing kills 17 sailors. The odds that two ships will be sunk at random on the 12th of the month in a leap year are 930 to 1. This was clearly retaliation for the Kursk. Russian Special Forces obviously have Islamic Proxies of their own. By green-lighting this attack, Putin shows his Navy a willingness to retaliate. It undoubtedly must have made him popular with the hawks in his Navy who wanted revenge.
19 March 2001
President Bush tries to kill Putin.
Assassination fears for Putin after Chechens hijack plane to Saudi Arabia.
10 September 2001
Russia begins Nuclear Exercises.
President Bush tries to kill Putin.
Assassination fears for Putin after Chechens hijack plane to Saudi Arabia.
10 September 2001
Russia begins Nuclear Exercises.
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The angle of attack allowed the plane to hit both the DIA and the NOC. If the plane had hit dead on, perpendicular, then only one of the two offices could have been hit. This is level of sophistication all but rules out Bin Laden. |
(09:37:46 Hours) 11 September 2001
The targeting of the Navy Operations Center, the nerve center of global U.S. Naval Operations and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)killing 125 shows that this attack was highly sophisticated and that the planes were remotely piloted. The likelihood that a student pilot could have angled the plane to target the Navy's Command Center is very unlikely. The Osama Bin Laden cover story is seen for the farce that it is. Again, the Hawks inside the Russian Navy must have been ecstatic with the Putin for this attack.
(10:28:22 Hours) 11 September 2001
North Tower implodes the exact time, nearly to the second, the U.S.S. Memphis torpedoed the Kursk. This shows that there had to be a bomb inside the towers. There is absolutely no getting around it. This corroborates the eyewitness testimony of there being bombs in the towers. There are also videos taken on 911 where the sounds of, what maybe, bombs going off can clearly be heard.
(10:30:00 Hours) 11 September 2001
The White House receives a call from an anonymous individual, warning that the next target of the terrorist attacks will be Air Force One. The caller refers to the plane as “Angel.” Air Force One pilot Col. (Ret.) Mark W. Tillman, "
(10:32:00 Hours) 11 September 2001
President Putin calls the White House to speak to President Bush.
The events of the threat on "Angel" and Putin's call are linked. The fact that the attackers knew the call sign of Air Force One shows that it could not have been Bin Laden. Only a nation state would have the espionage capability to figure that out.
(10:31 to 11:45 Hours) 11 September 2001
Communications Problems (Jamming) with Air Force One
White House counselor Karen Hughes tries calling President Bush on Air Force One but an operator says he is unable to connect her to the plane.
"The United States on Wednesday told the Russians it monitored two explosions, the first at 7:28:26 am GMT and the second much larger explosion at 7:30:42 GMT.
A letter from the chief of naval operations, Adm. Vern Clark, to his Russian counterpart included an estimate that the second explosion was "45 to 50 times greater" than the first and equivalent to one to five tons of TNT, depending on the depth at which the Russian submarine was operating."
Another interesting fact is the attacks of the OKC Bombing, the African Embassy Bombings, September 11th all fall on the two year anniversaries of dates relevant to the Russian Civil War in the Caucus Region. The odds of this being a coincidence are 29,924,384 to 1. So, these attacks are not a coincidence as well.
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