Wednesday 11 August 2021

Official Kremlin Int'l News Broadcast February 24, 2000, Thursday


LENGTH: 1419 words

Host (Lyubimov): Alarming reports have been coming in all day, threats of terrorist acts, above all threats to assassinate Acting President Vladimir Putin. Even so, as you have just heard, he flew to St. Petersburg half an hour ago. And in the Here and Now studio is Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Sergei Ivanov.

Q: Good evening, Sergei Borisovich. The death threats to the head of state -- are they serious or is it something played up by journalists?

A: Good evening, Alexander Mikhailovich. With your permission I would begin our meeting by congratulating all the servicemen in the army, in the special services and Interior Ministry, all those who have served and serve in the Russian army and not only in the Russian army. I would like to congratulate all those who have served in the army of the Soviet Union and of the new and free Russia and to wish them all the best. And first of all, my congratulations go out to the veterans and then to those who are, "here and now", to paraphrase the title of your program serving in the North Caucasus region.

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