The suppression of nuclear technology is preventing the colonization of the solar system and the scientific discoveries that would come from manned exploration of the solar system. So, science has been setback 50 years.
It also means that the energy wars being fought by Americans in the Middle East are all for nothing.
(Although, I now realize that the war in Central Asia i.e. Afghanistan is all about trying to contain China by denying it access to the historic Silk Road route that ran through Afghanistan.)
It means that people die all over the world from being denied access to electricity. The wonders of refrigeration, air conditioning and heating have the power to save lives. So many people in the exploited areas of the American Empire known as the "Third World" die from lack of such "luxuries." Americans are being ripped off by the energy cartels that corrupt our government. They are the ones who benefit the most from the suppression of nuclear. Suppression of nuclear energy protects their profits.
The American Ruling Class is truly evil for what they are doing.
The purpose of this blog is to document America's nuclear aero-space program being run out of AREA-51 using open sources. It has been said that 90% of intelligence analysis uses open sources. The preponderance of the evidence shows that the American Military runs part of their Black Space Program out of AREA-51 utilizing nuclear powered propulsion.
Friday, 30 October 2015
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
"I was accused of making a Mach 3 Ford Trimotor - that was made all of corrugated aluminum."
-Kelly Johnson. page 140, More Than My Share of It All
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This ram-rocket was the boaster that put the M-21 into orbit. |
Sunday, 18 October 2015
I believe that the United State Military operated a modified Space Shuttle out of AREA-51. The dimensions are roughly the same. The Shuttle could be configured to be a Bussard ASPEN spaceplane.
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The KH-9 was known as "The Hexagon System." The black "defense stations" in low Earth orbit form a hexagon. The KH-9 's are the defense stations. |
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Information declassified in 2011 showed that the Space Shuttle payload bay was designed specifically to accommodate the KH-9 HEXAGON spy satellite operated by the National Reconnaissance Office. Guillemette, Roger (September 20, 2011). "Declassified US Spy Satellites Reveal Rare Look at Secret Cold War Space Program". Yahoo! News. Retrieved 2012-04-17. |
The interesting thing about having a satellite based anti-submarine warfare (ASW) system is that in some preemptive strike scenarios parts of, if not all of, the U.S. naval fleet at sea will be sacrificed. The historical moves of the Soviet submarine fleet indicates they used the American fleet as a human shield from American ASW satellites. The Soviets built titanium hulled, magnetic influence detection resistant, submarines that could dive deeper than their American counterparts, allowing them to shadow the American fleet detectable only by the KH-9. This would be particularly useful in terms of defense because it puts American command and control in the dilemma of having to wipe out their own fleet in order to conduct a pre-emptive strike.
To create this dilemma the Soviet Union built two new classes of submarines. The deeper diving, titanium hulled, Alfa-class submarine and the Delta Class SLBM, designed to hide from satellite detection under the ice of the North Pole. Both classes of submarine paralleled the development of the KH-9 satellite system.
For instance, if you have Soviet submarines shadowing a carrier task force or American submarines and they are beneath the task force. In a preemptive strike scenario where a simultaneous attack is launched against all enemy nuclear assets American ships will have to be sacrificed. This would be a presidential decision. The KH-9 ASW satellite is not communicating with the U.S. Navy. This information if disseminated to naval commanders would change their behaviors and telegraph American intent to foreign navies. So, they have to be out of loop. This is similar situation that the British were in during World War Two with ENIGMA. They had to sacrifice some convoys in order to preserve the intelligence gathered by Bletchley Park. In much the same way the President will have to sacrifice parts of, if not the whole U.S. fleet at sea of the American Navy in order to conduct a preemptive strike.
The Space Shuttle payload bay was designed to accommodate the KH-9. This was Nuclear Thermal Rocket version of the Shuttle launched via a modified Shuttle Carrier Aircraft from Area-51. This is what serviced the KH-9 weapons system. Air launch is vital for satellite intercept. Which is why it was used to service the KH-9.
The Soviet Union's use of noisy diesel powered submarines also suggests that they were baiting U.S. Navy into intercepting them. This would also be a useful move to turn the U.S. Fleet into a human shield.
It is also the case that this system utilizes information gathered from the American SOSUS sonar system to help find targets. This system is going to be vital to monitor submarine movements under the polar ice caps. Which means that even the strategy of going under the pole can be defeated.
US satellites shadow China's submarines
By Peter J Brown
The People's Liberation Army's Navy (PLAN) submarines cannot spot United States satellites high overhead as the submarines leave their bases at Sanya on Hainan Island, Qingdao in Shandong province and Ningbo in Zhejiang province, and head for deeper water.
Plenty of very deep water can be found in the South China Sea, especially in the zone north of the Spratly Islands, east of the Paracels, and south of the Luzon Strait.
"A more challenging area for submarines to operate undetected is the East China Sea, which is quite shallow from the Chinese coastline up to the Okinawa Trough with a depth of only 30 to 60 fathoms [180 to 360 feet] in most places," said associate professor Peter Dutton with the China Maritime Studies Institute at the US Naval War College.
"Much of the water space [in the South China Sea] is more than 2,000 fathoms deep," said Dutton.
Detecting submarines via satellite is a form of Non-Acoustic Anti-Submarine Warfare (NAASW). Lasers, infrared and other detectors and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) in space may be used as part of this NAASW activity. Satellites might see subtle undersea disturbances caused by submarines, watch wave patterns on or beneath the sea surface, or detect subtle variations in ocean temperature.
This is not to be confused with satellite communications, nor is an "EO" or "Earth Observation" satellite to be confused with "EO" as in an "Electro-Optical" means of detecting submarines.
Over the next 18 months, the US National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) - operator of the US spy satellite fleet - is planning multiple satellite launches, and China must assume that one or more of these new US surveillance satellites will help support US Navy efforts to locate and track PLAN submarines.
Satellites form a network along with undersea sensors and detectors fixed on the sea floor or drifting in the open ocean as well as devices mounted on other submarines, ships, unmanned undersea vehicles (UUVs), aircraft, helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
Many are skeptical that satellites can perform NAASW missions effectively, reliably and at reasonable cost.
"The natural disturbances of the sea surface due to wind and tides, it seems to me, are very likely to mask any disturbance due to a submarine passage, and so even if this were a viable detection technique, it seems to me so limited in application that it would not be worth the investment," said one former US Navy sonar expert.
In April, a source told RIA Novosti, a Russian newspaper, that Russia had developed a novel satellite module "used for both defense and civilian purposes, in particular, providing meteorological data", and it can "carry out remote sensing of the sea and detect submerged submarines". This will be tested in space perhaps as early as next year. [1]
"Submarine detection, by any means, is a classified and highly guarded topic. The fact that the Russians are talking about it is the most interesting aspect of this announcement," said Brian Whitehouse, president of Nova Scotia-based OEA Technologies, Inc. He co-authored a paper with Daniel Hutt in 2008 about spaceborne sensors, ocean intelligence, and the maritime battlespace. [2]
The satellite in question is apparently the first of three small Russian Kanopus (Konopus) remote sensing satellites.
"This satellite is planned for 2011 and it will carry an Earth observing payload that includes a sensor for studying the underwater light environment," said Dr Jonathan McDowell, an astrophysicist at the Massachusetts-based Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics who is also the editor of Jonathan's Space Report. "I cannot evaluate the claim that this will let them detect the wakes of submarines. I do not believe that such technology is being used operationally at the moment. I am not aware of relevant flight experiments, but they may have occurred."
Russia has previously demonstrated its satellite sub-hunting skills. Swedish satellite expert Sven Grahn identified the Russian Almaz-1 satellite which was launched in 1991 as a submarine-detection satellite that could see the surface wake or trail of a submerged sub. Besides this satellite, the Russians deployed other large, nuclear-powered and radar-equipped ocean surveillance satellites.
"Russian satellites known as RORSATs used radar to track surface ships, but the US Navy was not concerned that our subs could be detected, much less tracked. The signals, even if they existed, would be so wrapped into random noise that extracting any usable intelligence from them proved impossible," author James Oberg, a top US expert on Soviet and Russian space programs, told Asia Times Online. "The cancellation of that [Soviet] satellite program followed at least three accidental re-entries of debris. The laws of physics compelled them to orbit as low as possible, creating high air drag."
The theoretical boundary below which satellites cannot successfully maintain their orbits is approximately 160 kilometers above the Earth.
The Soviet space station Mir may have served as a platform for related research activities in the same way that the US Skylab once served as a platform for space radar testing in 1970s.
In the late 1990s, sub-hunting satellites made headlines. An American scientist, Peter Lee, was caught and convicted of passing sensitive information to China about the so-called Radar Ocean Imaging (ROI) joint project which involved the United K and the US. A decision by the US Navy based on concerns about further disclosures about the nature and scope of the ROI project echoes to this day.
"Peter Lee's case was they had this guy giving this very sensitive data to the Chinese on underwater detection of submarines. They ran into this case where the navy wouldn't allow a court case against him because of the data. So they had a bargain plea, and he got off, basically. For stealing very high-level stuff, he gets probably, what, a couple of months in a halfway house," former US ambassador to China, James Lilley, told PBS in 2004. [3]
China obtained relevant information from Russia, too.
"Chinese experts reportedly received technical assistance from Russian satellite experts in years following the Soviet Union's collapse," said associate professor Andrew Erickson at the China Maritime Studies Institute. "Specialists at the State Key Laboratory of Satellite Ocean Environmental Dynamics have researched ship detection using [SAR]."
Maritime surveillance became a top priority at the national level when China's so-called, "863 State High-Technology Development Plan" was activated. And China's fleet of Haiyang ocean surveillance satellites will grow to three when Haiyang-2A is launched later this year
Prior to the ROI program, the US SEASAT ocean satellite project which was launched by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in 1978 carried a SAR into space for maritime surveillance purposes. After just over 100 days in space, SEASAT suddenly stopped working due to a short circuit in the design of its solar panels.
"Rumors suggested it had been turned off or sabotaged. There was a claim that SEASAT had mapped a field of World War 2-era shipwrecks on the floor of the English Channel," said Oberg.
A US Navy oceanographer from Australia, Paul Scully-Power, who became the first oceanographer in space, flew on the space shuttle Challenger (STS - 41G) in 1984. The US Navy later admitted that the mission had successfully detected the undersea or internal waves generated by a submarine which had been tracked successfully at relatively shallow depths. This was deemed, "incredibly important to us" and was reported by the Washington Post in 1985 - quoting a senior US Navy admiral at the time. [4]
In mid-May, by the way, the final flight of the space shuttle Atlantis (STS-132) will include a longtime submariner, US Navy captain Stephen Bowen.
According to naval analyst and author Norman Polmar, certain satellites can track submarine wakes, but are unable to do so continuously nor all the time, and not in all underwater environments. A submarine's depth, and speed along with the characteristics of the ocean bottom and water clarity, among other things, come into play here.
"A submarine is a relatively small, finite object - perhaps 300 to
500 feet [91 meters to 152 meters] in length in most cases - but the submarine's wake is persistent and stretches out for miles," said Polmar.
While the PLAN submarine fleet is the largest and most diverse in Asia, and very soon the fastest growing in the world, the PLAN's nuclear submarines are relatively easy to find. It is the diesel/electric submarines - and those equipped with so-called air-independent propulsion systems in particular - that are much harder to detect.
"The US Office of Naval Intelligence's unclassified July 2009 report on the PLAN suggests that some of the PLAN's diesel submarines are already extremely quiet, but its nuclear submarines remain relatively noisy," said Erickson.
US satellites play an increasingly important communications role in ASW, and are critical to the US Navy's Persistent Littoral Undersea Surveillance Network (PLUSNet), ForceNet and Sea Shield programs, to name a few. In addition, the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is funding the Tactical Relay Information Network which uses lasers to instantly beam vital messages to submerged US subs as they are underway and perhaps chasing down other subs.
This writer speculates that as many as a dozen countries have operated sensors aboard satellites involved in some form of NAASW research. Others may disagree with this assessment.
Whitehouse and Hutt, for example, stated that, "many of these sensors are not of immediate practical benefit to military operations".
Keep in mind that commercial satellite ventures, and public - private partnerships such as Germany's RapidEye AG offer all sorts of satellite imagery.
Smaller, less expensive satellites possibly flying in formation over the ocean may offer significant advantages here. They can train their sensors and cameras on a single spot as they pass by in formation. California-based Microcosm Inc, for example, is developing the NanoEye small-satellite system, which comes equipped with basic or advanced electro-optical and infrared sensor payloads.
"Smaller satellites flying in formation may seem attractive for reasons of cost and coverage, but larger satellites offer far more advantages in terms of real capabilities," said Polmar. "Simply because of their small size, the smaller satellites are less capable, offer less electrical power and you cannot put much on them unlike much larger satellites."
The real advantage comes from the entire satellite-enabled infrastructure - or systems of systems - which links the powerful space-based sensors and detectors with those mounted on surrounding ships, subs, UUVs, aircraft, helicopters and UAVs - including the new "Sea Avenger" - so that all this surveillance data merges together to form a "common undersea picture" which can be instantly shared across the entire ASW community.
Aircraft and UAVs lingering overhead can mimic surveillance satellites, and their presence is an important aspect of the US "Maritime Domain Awareness" strategy. Another option involves inserting additional maritime surveillance assets above conventional aircraft and UAVs, and beneath the satellites.
For example, the US Navy is interested in DARPA's "Integrated Sensor Is the Structure" (ISIS) program, which is, in effect, an integrated stratospheric airship/radar - the stratosphere is found at an altitude of roughly 10 to 50 kilometers above Earth - featuring a 600-kilometer-wide sensor radius. In fact, DARPA included a slide during a briefing last year that showed how a single ISIS on station over the Luzon Strait could conduct surveillance operations covering the entire Strait from Taiwan to the northern Philippines, and almost as far west almost as the coast of China.
"No single sensor/platform combination has all the answers. Every sensor has its limitations. As a result, each application usually involves a suite of sensors, platforms and computer-based models," said Whitehouse and Hutt.
Associate professor Kazuto Suzuki of Hokkaido University's Public Policy School described Japan's Maritime Self Defense Force (MSDF) as "one of the best ASW forces without using satellite capability".
"There is no discussion of a satellite infrastructure for ASW. Satellites are only useful for detecting activities [at submarine bases]. MSDF and the 7th Fleet of the US Navy are sharing the work for ASW, and there is a strong confidence between them," said Suzuki.
However, over the years, Japan has launched many advanced remote sensing/earth observation, meteorological, and engineering test satellites - exactly the types of satellites which are ideally suited for conducting satellite-based NAASW research and development.
One relevant joint NASA-Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency project on the International Space Station recently tested a maritime hyperspectral imager. This coincided with work on the same type of imager done as part of the US Navy's Tactical Space Innovative Naval Prototype program involving so-called TacSats and their maritime satellite links to buoys and "unattended" sensors - perhaps UUV-mounted sensors.
China routinely uses ocean-centric satellite imagery provided by the US, Japanese and Europeans. Their own undersea mapping projects such as one done recently as part of a larger and more comprehensive Chinese survey of the South China Sea rely heavily on access to this data. [5]
The world's vast oceans have not been rendered completely transparent, but for over three decades, satellites have been transforming the way we view them.
As the US Congress scrutinizes the US-Russian START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) successor and possible restrictions on the future use of US submarine launch tubes for anti-missile purposes, new potential threats to submarines need to be examined carefully.
Finally, the sinking in March 2010 of the South Korean destroyerCheonan - important evidence in the form of "satellite imagery" is surfacing although the investigation is still underway [6] - serves to remind everyone that work must continue to help thwart future surprise attacks.
1. Russia to build submarine-detecting satellite, RIA NOVOSTI, Apr 15, 2010.
2. Ocean intelligence in the maritime battlespace: the role of spaceborne sensors and hf radar, Canadian Military Journal, July 14, 2008.
3. PBS interviews James Lilley,, June 4, 2003.
4. "Shuttle Flight Yields Data on Hiding Subs," The Washington Post, March 22, 1985, p A10. (Not available online.)
5. Using satellite data to map coral reefs in the South China Sea, Spie, February 21, 2007.
6. South Korea Concludes That North Korea Sank Ship, Chosun Says,, May 7, 2010.
Peter J Brown, a satellite journalist from the US state of Maine, was part of the team that worked on the 1991 PBS documentary, "Submarine: Steel Boats, Iron Men".
(Copyright 2010 Asia Times Online (Holdings) Ltd. All rights reserved. Please contact us about sales, syndication andrepublishing.)
Thursday, 15 October 2015
If this ship goes a little bit over its 500,000 fps velocity, say 528,000 fps. This ship could make it to Mars in about 16 days.
Sunday, 11 October 2015
Did the United States Mount NERVA Engines On the S-IVB?
The official story is that the Saturn-V was a chemically fueled rocket. I believe that this is a lie. The S-IVB was the third stage of the Saturn-V rocket. Some of the S-IVB's were smashed into the moon for seismic studies. Others were turned into America's first official space station known as Skylab. There were also grander plans for this upper stage. The S-IVB was going to be used as a nuclear propelled space tug. So, America could build a moon base. It would utilize the NERVA engine to perform this mission. It might even have been able to make it to Mars and back. The Saturn-V was designed to be a full blown space ship designed to explore the solar system.
Five of the Saturn-V's S-IVB boosters are purportedly out in a heliocentric orbit. One of the S-IVB's "J002E3" came into to orbit the Earth during the build up of America's Iraq War. It left one month after President George Bush declared "Mission Accomplished" aboard the supercarrier U.S.S. Lincoln. The suspicious timing of the S-IVB's orbit lends credibility to the notion that Apollo was in reality a cover for a military mission. It's aim was to conquer space. If America covertly built bases on the moon and Mars it could use these bases for the testing of exotic weapons. It could also give elements of the American ruling class a place to run to in the event of a nuclear war. Control of space is the ace up the sleeve of the American ruling class. In the event of nuclear war they will just leave while the American people die on Earth.
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Five of the Saturn-V's S-IVB boosters are purportedly out in a heliocentric orbit. One of the S-IVB's "J002E3" came into to orbit the Earth during the build up of America's Iraq War. It left one month after President George Bush declared "Mission Accomplished" aboard the supercarrier U.S.S. Lincoln. The suspicious timing of the S-IVB's orbit lends credibility to the notion that Apollo was in reality a cover for a military mission. It's aim was to conquer space. If America covertly built bases on the moon and Mars it could use these bases for the testing of exotic weapons. It could also give elements of the American ruling class a place to run to in the event of a nuclear war. Control of space is the ace up the sleeve of the American ruling class. In the event of nuclear war they will just leave while the American people die on Earth.
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Five the S-IVB''s are just out there somewhere. |
Friday, 9 October 2015
When the NERVA program was cancelled in 1973 America had just begun to publicize development of vapor core reactors known as the Nuclear Furnace. After the NERVA program was canceled the reactor vessels were "cannibalized" to make way for experiments on nuclear pumped lasers using plasma core engines. The ROVER/NERVA program supposedly employed solid core reactors. Solid core reactors would be very limited in terms of what they could do in terms of their ISP. Vapor cores or even liquid core reactors have much higher potential ISP. I suspect that upper stages of Apollo utilized nuclear engines. The Phoebus NTR produced exactly the same amount of thrust as the J-2 rocket engine. So, I don't think that this was any accident. The NERVA engines could be "cannibalized" for this purpose because it was a plasma core rocket all along.
Thursday, 8 October 2015
The Staggering Real Cost Of The Blackbird SR-71
We stipulate that the Blackbird program is the nuclear powered plane Kelly Johnson was working on in the 1950's and Project PLUTO was the cover for the development of Blackbird's engines. We use the numbers mentioned in Dewar's book for Project PLUTO in our estimate knowing that a unmanned program would cost much less. So, the Blackbird being manned must have cost much more. The estimate here is low ball. We have concluded furthermore that the procurement budget of Blackbird was in part cloaked by NASA's Apollo program.
We have recently (07 December 2019) analyzed the cost of fueling a chemically fueled Blackbird.
We have recently (07 December 2019) analyzed the cost of fueling a chemically fueled Blackbird.
This is how much the plane cost just to develop and procure. This does not include how much it cost to operate the plane. It is an outrage when you think about it. I use the CPI, Gold and Silver as indicators of inflation. In the early 60's, gold was pegged to the dollar at 35 dollars per ounce. Silver up until 1964 was what all American money could be redeemed for at any bank or store. Silver is what our coinage consisted of and each paper dollar could be exchanged for a silver coin that contained .77 of a troy ounce silver. The CPI does not include silver or gold in its estimate of inflation. I average the three of them to come up with a more reasonable estimate of inflation.
$600,000,000 for P&W to develop the engine
(Rich & Janos, 207)
$700,000,000 Project Pluto Development (Dewar
$5,000,000,000 to build 240 ramjets (Dewar 65)
$8,000,000,000 for an operational wing. (Dewar
$18,000,000 to develop the inlet (Rich &
Janos, 211)
$161,000,000 for Lockheed to develop airframe
(Rich & Janos, 227)
$1,088,000,000 to purchase 32 airframes
$867,607,000 for ANP development 1956 to 1961.
Total $ 16,434,607,000
Cost per plane (A-12) 1,264,200,538.46 in 1961 Dollars, assuming that the initial thirteen A-12's constitute an operational wing. Assuming again that the 32 SR-71's constituted an another two and half operational wings then the total for the A-12 and SR-71 is
$36,126,914,692.30. This does not include the M-21 and YF-12A programs.
$36,126,914,692.30. This does not include the M-21 and YF-12A programs.
The Blackbird, $10,695,136,555.37 in July 2018 CPI adjusted dollars, was a MULTI Billion Dollar Plane! The F-22 Raptor's 339 million dollar price tag seems almost reasonable in comparison to
In CPI inflation adjusted dollars the Blackbird was over ten times the price of the Raptor. The Blackbird's successor the Aurora must have had a staggering price tag as well.
Update 17 January 2016
I found some information on the cost of the ANP and PLUTO programs reading James Dewar's book TO THE END OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM. Using this information I have updated the totals.
I believe that the cancellation of the Project PLUTO program, on the day of Kennedy's death, had something to do with the assassination of JFK. He was set to go after the contractors that worked on the ANP. They were looking at prison time. The Blackbird, if it had been used as planned as a bomber, would have changed the game in Vietnam as well. It is unlikely there would have been a Hanoi Hilton full of American pilots, if A-12's were doing the bulk of the bombing. The price of the Blackbird program was on par with that of the Apollo program, which was also a cover for a military program. A single Blackbird cost more than the yearly defense budget for the whole of the 1960's. The Space race was in reality a race to maintain preemptive strike superiority. Throughout the 1950's the U.S. maintained a "overflight" program of the Soviet Union, utilizing Canberra bombers and U-2's. Ostensibly this program was "reconnaissance" in reality it was a psychological warfare campaign to show the Soviets that America could bomb them with impunity.
I believe that the cancellation of the Project PLUTO program, on the day of Kennedy's death, had something to do with the assassination of JFK. He was set to go after the contractors that worked on the ANP. They were looking at prison time. The Blackbird, if it had been used as planned as a bomber, would have changed the game in Vietnam as well. It is unlikely there would have been a Hanoi Hilton full of American pilots, if A-12's were doing the bulk of the bombing. The price of the Blackbird program was on par with that of the Apollo program, which was also a cover for a military program. A single Blackbird cost more than the yearly defense budget for the whole of the 1960's. The Space race was in reality a race to maintain preemptive strike superiority. Throughout the 1950's the U.S. maintained a "overflight" program of the Soviet Union, utilizing Canberra bombers and U-2's. Ostensibly this program was "reconnaissance" in reality it was a psychological warfare campaign to show the Soviets that America could bomb them with impunity.
Pluto 700 Million and $5 Billion [1961 dollars] for 240 ramjets (Dewar 65).
14 September 2018 Addition
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Project PLUTO was the cover for the development of the Blackbird. |
13 February 2019
Extrapolating from these numbers and applying them to the 6 initial planes procured by the Air Force gives us a more startling result. The first initial planes cost in the range of $1,264,200,538.46 per plane. The first mover cost of the first six planes was truly staggering. It is no wonder Kennedy wanted to kill the plane. The per unit cost of the A12 cost nearly 3 times more than the first nuclear aircraft carrier ENTERPRISE.
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The ANP budget goes up in step with the development of the Blackbird. |
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Published 23 May 1957 |
After work was completed on the U-2 in 1955, work began on it's successor. This plane would become the SR-71. The budget for the ANP more than doubles in this time. It jumps from $44,791,000 to $91,180,000 in the period 1955 to 1956. 83% of the money $867,607,000 spent during the fifteen years of the NEPA/ANP was spent in the last six years of the program, right in step with the development of the SR-71. Johnson gives his talk on the ANP in step with the large budgetary increase for the program.
25 July 2019
Silver price 16,178,479,965.00 as of today.
Gold price 39,756,452,098.9702 as of today.
Dewar, James A. To the End of the Solar System: The Story of the Nuclear Rocket. Lexington, Ky.: U of Kentucky, 2004. Print.
Dewar, James A. To the End of the Solar System: The Story of the Nuclear Rocket. Lexington, Ky.: U of Kentucky, 2004. Print.
Tuesday, 6 October 2015
Secret American Space Planes to Dominate Planet Earth
Secret American Space Planes to Dominate Planet Earth
05.11.2002 08:00
The USA has been working on secret, new-generation space planes In the beginning of the 1990s, Russian intelligence uncovered the fact that the USA was testing a super-secret plane at one of its airbases. Russian agents attempted to see the new object with their own eyes and take pictures of it, but all attempts failed. The Americans provided incredible security for their secret weapon, and they tested the plane only at night. However, Russian agents managed to get some information about the new plane, which the USA calls Aurora, in honor of the Goddess of the Dawn.
The mystery aircraft is capable of flying very high, at a height of 40 and more kilometers. Even the latest pursuit planes cannot fly so high. The Aurora plane also possesses fantastic supersonic speed, the so-called 6M speed, as scientists call it. One M is equal to 340 meters a second. In other words, Aurora can fly at a speed of two kilometers a second, and this is not the limit. This speed is achieved due to extremely powerful engines and the special design of the plane's hull and wings.
The aircraft was constructed based on Stealth technology, which was selected by the American defense industry long ago. The technology poses great difficulties for both ground and air radar systems.
A picture of the real Aurora aircraft is even more rare than a picture of an UFO. So far, Russia has only one picture of the mysterious American plane. The picture was taken by a Russian intelligence officer at the moment when the Aurora plane was refueling in the air. Later, it became known that before the “flying tank of fuel” (KC-135 aircraft) refueled the Aurora, a spy plane flew across Russia from east to west and was not detected by any radar systems.
The Americans invented a new aircraft, which is almost like a rocket. The new plane was invented by American defense scientists with an eye towards the future. The most powerful pursuit planes can fly at heights of 35-40 kilometers. Russia is capable matching its strength with the USA in this respect. Russia has such aircraft: Su-2711, MiG-29, and MiG-31. However, these planes can only fly in the near-Earth environment, whereas the environment between the Earth’s atmosphere and space is still vacant, so to speak. That is why, the development of the near-Earth space environment weapon is so relevant for defense. Who gets there first becomes the winner.
Here, we are talking about totally new kinds of aircraft: spy planes, fighter planes, transport planes, ect. They will be able to fly from the atmosphere into space and then return to Earth. The Americans have been working on this kind of aircraft for years already, developing several “star wars” projects. The United States has been designing and testing such planes for a long time. They already have the X-33, X-34, X-37, and X-38 planes.
X-33: This supersonic aircraft was designed based upon up-to-date titanic alloys. It is equipped with oxygen-hydrogen jet engines. This plane can reach speeds up to 4,420 meters per second. Graphite and ceramic (thermostable) technologies are used in its engines. Some of this technology was either bought or stolen from Russia. The maximum flight height is 120 kilometers.
X-34: A more modern supersonic aircraft. It is equipped with unique electronic devices and has a special heat-shielding coating. One of its peculiar features is the fact that the plane takes off from an aircraft-carrier, which is also a plane, not a vessel. The X-34 can reach speeds up to 5,440 meters a second. The maximum height is up to 150 kilometers.
Supersonic aircraft of the X class can be both unmanned and piloted planes, with vertical and horizontal takeoffs. It was officially reported that such planes are meant to considerably reduce the amount of money spent on delivering cargo into space. At the present moment, one such delivery costs 22 thousand dollars per one kilo of cargo. These new aircraft will definitely serve defense purposes, such as launching military satellites into orbit. Supersonic space planes can also be equipped with super-powerful telescopes and other equipment. Scientists and engineers are developing ways to equip these planes with missiles, laser weapons, and so on.
In other words, America is working on the first ever space army, which would provide the United States with complete domination in near-Earth orbit. It will not be possible for any anti-missile defense complexes to hit such planes, as they will be completely out of reach. The American space army will be able to hit any target on planet Earth at any moment.
Soviet engineers tried to challenge the Americans and designed a unique aircraft called the Buran. Unfortunately, the aircraft proved to be unsuccessful, and competition with the USA failed. When military opposition between the USSR and the USA was over, the Buran became a part of an exhibition in Moscow’s Park of Culture. The first Soviet space aircraft became a dull memory of a bygone power and might-have-been hopes.
Major General Sergey Kolganov, an academician of the Russian Space Academy, said that the USA's work on the development of supersonic space aircraft poses yet another potential threat to Russia. “I doubt that Russia is ready to fight with these American space planes. Some of our anti-missile defense complexes can hit targets up to 100 kilometers high. However, these new American aircraft can fly higher. Russia has very good ideas for defense, I am certain of that. The Americans have not even dreamed about them. However, they are only ideas, nothing more. Our scientists are not working on any projects that might counteract the American space planes,” Kolganov said.
&to=' target=_blank>Anomalia.Ru Translated by Dmitry Sudakov
Sunday, 4 October 2015
Another interesting fact is that NX2 can be read as a combination of Roman and Arabic numerals. Which would make it N-12 or Nuclear 12. This is similar to A-12. A-12 and N-12 can be read as Atomic-12 and Nuclear-12.
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