Sunday 19 November 2023


One of the problems of the official 911 narrative is - how did Bin Laden's organization recruit 19 "suicide" hijackers without it getting picked up by US surveillance? It's impossible. How many people would have to be approached before you found 19 suicide hijackers? Because like most people even "terrorists" are not eager to commit suicide. 

Bin Laden's organization would have had to interview tens of thousands of potential hijackers before they found 19 men who might commit to the plot. In 2001 Saudi Arabia had a suicide rate of 5.00 per 100,000 males. In other words one out of 20,000 males in Saudi Arabia committed suicide. The vast majority of Saudi men are content with their lives. 

People also have loose lips. The candidates who said no to the plot would have told other people about it. Where are the men who said no to this plot? Why have they never been interviewed by television or print media? 

The reason why the plot was not picked up is -- there were no human pilots. There was no plot involving human hijackers to be picked up by US surveillance. The planes were electronically hijacked, plucked out the air mid-flight. Electronic hijacking also solves the problem of the tight timing of hijackings. Four planes were hijacked in the less than an hour and crashed into significant American landmarks. The level of precision to conduct the attack on the Navy Operations Center and Defense Intelligence Agency offices at the Pentagon required electronic hijacking as well. We go over why it was impossible here.

Electronic Hijacking also explains why Norman Mineta ordered all planes to land. Because any plane could have been the next plane to be hijacked and used as a cruise missile. 


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