Sunday 13 December 2020


This quote is of interest because be downplays "the scale and character," of the 911 attacks and diverts to talking about the geography of the attacks. Chomsky, the spook that he is, gave several interviews that culminated in a small book published in 2002. The brilliant thing about the book from a propaganda angle is this. He just assumes that Bin Laden did it. He does make some CYA caveats in the book and disclaimers.

Aside from those CYA moments the book just assumes that Bin Laden did it. He ignores Bin Laden's denials. On page 36 of the 911 book Chomsky refused to engage the question of how Bin Laden and the attackers evaded the ECHELON system. 19 hijackers and no one picked up a phone? The supercomputers and the HUMINT -spies in the mujahideen- did not pick up on this network of suicide hijackers? The 911 Commision Report does not even mention ECHELON. Chomsky avoided engaging with another point that shows the attacks were too sophisticated to have been sponsored by Bin Laden.    

Chomsky pushed the propaganda line that Bin Laden was responsible. When he knew full well that the "scale and character," of the attacks were beyond Bin Laden's capabilities. 911 was Russia's nuclear response (they nuked the WTC) to America's intervention in Chechnya. Russian General Vladimir Yakovlev warned in December of 1999 that nuclear retaliation to American actions in Chechnya was on the table. American spooks were using Chechnya as a base of terrorist operations to destabilize Russia. And the Russians struck back hard on 911. Bringing the US and Russia to the closest they have ever been to nuclear annihilation.  

Noam Chomsky On The Events Of 911

As Interviewed On Radio B92, Belgrade

27 September 2001

Q. "The world will never be the same after 11.09.01". Do you think so?

A. The horrendous terrorist attacks on Tuesday are something quite new in world affairs, not in their scale and character, but in the target. For the US, this is the first time since the War of 1812 that its national territory has been under attack, even threat. It's colonies have been attacked, but not the national territory itself. During these years the US virtually exterminated the indigenous population, conquered half of Mexico, intervened violently in the surrounding region, conquered Hawaii and the Philippines (killing hundreds of thousands of Filipinos), and in the past half century p particularly, extended its resort to force throughout much of the world. The number of victims is colossal.

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