There are so many fishy things about the OKC Bombing that it is hard to know where to begin. Here is a list of the stranger ones.
- There is no video of the Ryder Truck exploding. So no video evidence proving the government case. And there should have been video security surveillance recordings of the perimeter of the building.
- Why bomb the Murrah Federal Building in OKC, when the Feds who worked on Branch Davidian case in Waco were mainly from Texas?
- The odd "defense" of strategy of Stephen Jones, in his opening remarks he read a loud the names of all the victims basically admitting that McVeigh was guilty (1).
- A coterie of spooks and military people came out of the woodwork claiming "inside job" conspiracy. Army Special Forces LTC Bo Gritz, FBI Special Agent Ted Gunderson, a nuclear weapons expert USAF General Partin et al. "Inside job" is the same explanation that many had for 9-11 six years later.
- McVeigh only gives himself a few minutes to escape from the truck.
- No autopsy of McVeigh's body despite the fact that it is standard procedure to autopsy the bodies of executed prisoners.
- The debris of the building was transported to a fenced off and guarded area of a landfill. People were not allowed to get near the debris.
- No video record of the execution
- Multiple hearses to transport McVeigh's corpse
- Clinton claiming that the bomb was sophisticated, a "miracle of technology," while speaking in Hanover NH. Reported by AP and published in 12 June 1995 Cape Code Times. ANFO bombs are crude.
- Bombing takes place on the two year anniversary of Dudayev declaring himself dictator in Chechnya and the decision to expand NATO.
- ANFO bomb at the claimed weight did not have the power to level the Murrah Building.
- McVeigh was never trained in how to make an ANFO bomb.
- Civilian fertilizer is not pure enough to make an ANFO bomb.
- The FBI crime lab did not find evidence of ANFO at the site. Fred Whitehurst.
- The initial report was that minivan carried the bomb which was too small to have carried the bomb
- The fact that McVeigh's getaway car was not towed away
- Transporting the bomb 263 miles from Geary County State Lake, Lyon, KS to OKC could have resulted in a spontaneous explosion
- The government gives no explanation of where McVeigh received the training to make the bomb.
- The government never released the CCTV video of the bombing
- Michele Torres' testimony implies that the Russians were behind both the WTC-93 bombing and the OKC Bombing.
The intelligence agencies of the United States used General Reinhard Gehlen's network of Islamic Nazi stay behinds in the Caucasus Region to undermine the Soviet Union. They were the cutouts for American actions aimed at destroying Russia. If the allegations of Michele Torres are true then it could be the case that Russians were trying to send a message to the United States by using American Neo-Nazi's as a cutout organization in the OKC Bombing.
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Soldiers of the 13th SS Division with a brochure about "Islam and Judaism," 1943.(German Federal Archive via ) |
McVeigh was either a cutout for the people his lawyer Stephen Jones referred to as "others unknown" or his whole trial was a put on, covering up a Russian retaliatory strike carried out by their Special Forces who were responsible for the attack. I lean more toward the latter than the former in this case.
McVeigh had enough time between the time he showed up on the Nichols farm and the start of the Special Forces training to have finished Special Forces School. Army intelligence has long played a role in surveilling Americans. J. Edgar Hoover was a Col. in the Army. We know from the Church Committee hearings that the Army does a great deal of spying on the American public. McVeigh was sheep dipped and played the part of a fringe right wing character. He was surveilling neo-Nazi white supremacists and monitoring deals at gun shows. And, may have been trying to entrap members into a bombing plot. The FBI has a long history of entrapping Americans. Terry Nichols the supposed co-conspirator is suspected of having murdered his stepson, suffocating the toddler to death with a plastic bag over his head. Because there is no statute of limitations on murder. The government could be leveraging him to shut up and play along with the official story. All the feds would have to do is allege child molestation and then they could try him in federal court.
McVeigh had enough time between the time he showed up on the Nichols farm and the start of the Special Forces training to have finished Special Forces School. Army intelligence has long played a role in surveilling Americans. J. Edgar Hoover was a Col. in the Army. We know from the Church Committee hearings that the Army does a great deal of spying on the American public. McVeigh was sheep dipped and played the part of a fringe right wing character. He was surveilling neo-Nazi white supremacists and monitoring deals at gun shows. And, may have been trying to entrap members into a bombing plot. The FBI has a long history of entrapping Americans. Terry Nichols the supposed co-conspirator is suspected of having murdered his stepson, suffocating the toddler to death with a plastic bag over his head. Because there is no statute of limitations on murder. The government could be leveraging him to shut up and play along with the official story. All the feds would have to do is allege child molestation and then they could try him in federal court.
It was known that Russian nuclear weapons were cached in the United States. Lunev's defection made that known. There were great tensions between Russia and the US at the time of the bombing. McVeigh might have been part of a Nuclear Emergency Search Team (NEST) looking for the bomb.
Key, Charles. Final Report On The Bombing Of The Alfred P. Murrah Building. Oklahoma Bombing Investigation Committee, 2001. ISBN: 0-9710513-0-5
Pages 286-288
Michele Torres, the daughter of a former Communist Party official, Hirram Torres, in Mexico City, had been raised to assume a position in the Communist Party; but, at age 17, she rejected her upbringing and fled to the United States. In her recounting of events, Torres stated that, in the winter of 1992, she overheard her father and others discussing a bombing plot against the United States. She believes this plot culminated in the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building.
At the time, her father was working in the office of the PLO in Mexico City. He was speaking with two Arab men, one from Palestine and another from either Jordan or Iraq. Her father asked them what they thought of the new plan, and one of the men said that a Russian officer suggested that they blame American white supremacists and the neo-nazis. By blaming Americans, they would appease both the Arabs and the Communists. According to Torres, her father told his visitors that he had tried to contact some neo-Nazis to help him, but they refused to do so. He said that they did not want to get involved with Communists, but he was going to blame them anyway by hiring some "white guy" to act as a neoNazi to help his Arab accomplices.
Torres also said that the plan was to bomb an office building in the middle of the country, and it had to involve children. She explained that there had to be children involved because of the emotional impact it would cause. She said that she had "listened to this kind of conversation" all her life and that he father had killed many people. She stated, "He was involved."
Ms. Torres' story corroborates a possible Arab, neo-Nazi and Russian link to the bombing. As preposterous as it sounds, her story ties in with other reported events. Denis Mahon was being paid by the Iraqis to stir up dissent among the white supremacists during the Gulf War, Cary Gagan met with Oman and Ahmad in Mexico City; and Timothy McVeigh, an alleged white supremacist, was reportedly seen with an Arab in Oklahoma City shortly before the bombing. (See source below for information on these individuals.)
(Source: OKBIC interview with Ms. Torres)
OKBIC Note: Michele Torres' interview tapes were voice stress-analyzed and indicted she was telling the truth.
Hoffman, David. The Oklahoma City Bombing And The Politics Of Terror. Feral House, 1998.
Pages 207-209
It was the winter of 1992, and Michele's father, Hirram Torres, was working in the office of the PLO in Mexico City. He was speaking with a man from Palestine, and another from Jordan or possibly Iraq. In broken English, Torres recounts the conversation:
It was the winter of 1992, and Michele's father, Hirram Torres, was working in the office of the PLO in Mexico City. He was speaking with a man from Palestine, and another from Jordan or possibly Iraq. In broken English, Torres recounts the conversation:
Torres: They were saying: "What do you think about the new plan?" And the other man says: "Well, we can… the Russian officers told us we can probably blame the fascists." You know what I mean? "Americans — the American Patriots, and all the stupid stuff with the white supremacists and the neo-Nazis. So we can give two strikes at once."
Hoffman: Did he explain what he meant by two strikes?
Torres: They didn't explain it but I understood it.
Hoffman: Did they say anything about the Patriot Movement or the Militia Movement?
Torres: They don't say anything about militia. When they want to talk about militia, they say fascists or neo-Nazis. And when they speak about Patriots, or Yankees… the way they say. They used to speak about white supremacists… all Americans… white Americans are white supremacists. Yankees and fascists.
Hoffman: Tell me what they meant by the two strikes at once.
Torres: They wanted… the Arab people wanted… to make a terrorist act. They needed to make a terrorist act. There was like, some of the Arab leaders — wanted to make — wanted to give a strike to the United States. They didn't even understand why. But at the same time, the Communist Party tells them that it was a great idea to…
Hoffman: Now are you relating the actual conversation?
Torres: Yes. They were saying that it was… all the time they were talking about… what the Russian officers told them to do. So that man who was talking was the Palestinian man — my father told him that it was very good, and that they would probably find an easy way — an easy way to blame that kind of people. That he was trying… that he had tried to contact neo-Nazi people to help him…
Hoffman: Did he say who?
Torres: Yes. He tried to contact any kind of National Socialist people (American Nazi Party)… I tell you the way I heard it: "We can probably use those neo-Nazi
(Page 207)
bastards. I tried to contact them, but they refused to do it, and they don't want to get involved in that kind of stuff with Communists. And I don't think anyone can get those fucking idiots, but I don't care." He said something like, "I don't care. We are anyway going to blame them."
Hoffman: We don't want to get involved with Communists and that kind of stuff and what…
Torres: "But anyway can blame them. No matter if they want to cooperate with us or not." Then he told me… he told that guy that… he was going to hire a white man.
Hoffman: To act as a neo-Nazi? You mean to play the part of a neo-Nazi
Torres: To play the part of a neo-Nazi. And… and to participate with his
comrades… he spoke about his Arab comrades.
Hoffman: In what respect?
Torres: His Arab comrades… and he used to call them brothers or some kind of thing…
Hoffman: Your father spoke of them this way?
Torres: Yes. But, well, he told it in Russian, that he was — that boy who they were going to hire, was going to work together with the Tobarich (Russian for comrade). With the Tobarich.
Hoffman: Do you remember any names — any specific names of any people — anybody?
Torres: No. That time, they were just going to plan it. That was the plan…
Hoffman: This was in the winter of '92?
Torres: Yes. They were just discussing the plan. They didn't even know the
names. My father was… by that time my father was… deciding.
Hoffman: Now why do you think so long ago? That's four years between now and then.
Torres: They always plan it in that way. They take their time, and always a very long time. They always take a very long time…
Hoffman: Is there anything else about what they discussed that you haven't told me that you think is important?
(Page 208)
Torres: They said they were going to do it in the middle of the country. And they were going to do it in a business office.
Hoffman: Did they say how big?
Torres: Yes, big. And they wanted… children to be victims of it. There must be children there — it must be an office where children were somehow. They had to kill children. Because it was a very important part of the emotional part of the strike….
Hoffman: Did they ever mention Pan Am 103 or the World Trade Center bombings in reference?
Torres: They talked something about… trade centers. Anyway they spoke about trade centers — about places where business were made, because Americans regard so much their money and their business. That was the explanation my father gave to the Palestinian guy. They spoke about places where business were made, and that it was not the only strike they were going to make. You know one of the reasons I am not scared of this conversation (this interview) is because I heard — I listen to this kind of conversation all of my life. My father — he has killed a lot of people — he has done a lot of wrong things. He was involved…
While Torres' mention of Russian intelligence seems to have all the makings of a Claire Sterling novel, it should be mentioned that Mexico City is home to one of the largest Soviet consulates in the Western hemisphere, with its attendant Soviet intelligence apparatus. It appears that what Torres was describing was more than a loose-knit group of terrorists, but a sophisticated centrally-controlled state-sponsored terrorist apparatus. As Defense & Foreign Affairs stated: Despite the unprecedented role of the HizbAllah International in the decision making process, all major terrorist operations remain state- controlled.
These operations are conducted by agencies of states and in pursuit of the long-term and strategic interests of the controlling and sponsoring states. The "names" and "profiles" of the organizations and groups issuing the communiqués and claims constitute an integral component of the state sponsorship mechanism. These named entities serve a specific function: stating the identity of the interests involved in, and the outlining of the logic and objectives behind, these operations without having the sponsoring states assume formal responsibility.… Incredible as it sounds, Torres' story may be the key piece of the puzzle linking the Arab and neo-Nazi contingents. Her story is significant in light of the fact that Dennis Mahon was being paid by the Iraqis to stir up dissent amongst the white supremacist community.
Torres' testimony corroborates Lunev's assertion that the perps of the first World Trade Center bombing were trained by Russia.
Furr, Grover. Khrushchev Lied. 2nd ed., Erythros Press And Media, LLC, 2014, p. 101.
Page 101
There was massive collaboration with German forces on the part of the Chechen and Ingush population. On February 23 2000 Radio Svoboda interviewed Chechen nationalists who boasted proudly of a pro-German anti-Soviet armed rebellion in February 1943, when German penetration towards the Caucasus was at its greatest. The problem with this account is that it lies by omission. The revolt in question took place, but it was under the Nazi flag, and with the goal of a Nazi alliance.
(1) Queary, P. (1997). Reading Of Victims' Names Brings Tears Survivors Of Bombing Criticize Defense For Reading List Of Oklahoma City Dead. Retrieved 21 March 2021, from
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