Friday, 12 June 2020


Early 1992
Yeltsin admits that the USSR operated an offensive bioweapons program violating the BWC.
September 1992
“Russia, the US and the UK signed a trilateral statement in which Russia pledged to allow its Western counterparts access to these bioweapons facilities. But, in subsequent years, it failed to deliver on the hope of transparency.”
Putin reverses Yeltsin’s admission.
11 September 2002
REAPPEARANCE OF APOLLO-12 is reported in the UK Guardian. 
23 October 2002
Nord-Ost hostage siege. Chechen terrorists take the Dubrovka Theater hostage.
16 November 2002
SARS OUTBREAK IN Guangdong Province China. 
22 November 2002
Bush travels to Russia. He urges Russia to give Chechnya independence.
01 February 2003
The recently refurbished, new avionics etc, Shuttle Columbia destroyed on re-entry. 
30 May 2007
Russia bans human tissue export in bioweapon alert
September 2011
Deliberating Over Danger
Ron Fouchier of Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, presented some shocking results at the annual conference of the European Scientific Working Group on Influenza: he and his colleagues had created a mutant version of the H5N1 avian flu virus that could be transmitted through the air between ferrets. Not long after, news began to circulate of a similar creation in the lab of Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Fouchier and Kawaoka submitted their studies for publication to Science and Nature, respectively, sparking a heated debate over the potential consequences of publishing such research, whether the risky viruses should have been created at all, and, of course, how comparable work should be regulated going forward.
22 March 2012
Putin has a meeting with his defense minister to discuss his article to implement his 28 tasks. One of which was to develop genetic bioweapons.
06 June 2012
Take Russia to 'task' on bioweapons transparency
Raymond A. Zilinskas
In the run-up to his reelection, Russian president Vladimir Putin outlined 28 tasks to be undertaken by his administration, including one that commanded the development of weapons based on “genetic principles.”
September 2012 
First MERS cases hit Saudi Arabia
07 December 2012
Trojan Disguised as Trend Micro Component Drops Bitcoin-Mining Malware
08 April 2013
Trojan turns your PC into Bitcoin mining slave
Robert McMillan
October 2013
Lab-Made Coronavirus Triggers Debate
The creation of a chimeric SARS-like virus has scientists discussing the risks of gain-of-function research.
Jef Akst
Nov 16, 2015
Oct 2013 The US government put a stop to all federal funding for gain-of-function studies, with particular concern rising about influenza, SARS, and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). “NIH [National Institutes of Health] has funded such studies because they help define the fundamental nature of human-pathogen interactions, enable the assessment of the pandemic potential of emerging infectious agents, and inform public health and preparedness efforts,” NIH Director Francis Collins said in a statement at the time. “These studies, however, also entail biosafety and biosecurity risks, which need to be understood better.” Baric’s study on the SHC014-chimeric coronavirus began before the moratorium was announced, and the NIH allowed it to proceed during a review process, which eventually led to the conclusion that the work did not fall under the new restrictions, Baric told Nature. But some researchers, like Wain-Hobson, disagree with that decision.
The debate comes down to how informative the results are. “The only impact of this work is the creation, in a lab, of a new, non-natural risk,” Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist and biodefence expert at Rutgers University, told Nature. But Baric and others argued the study’s importance. “[The results] move this virus from a candidate emerging pathogen to a clear and present danger,” Peter Daszak, president of the EcoHealth Alliance, which samples viruses from animals and people in emerging-diseases hotspots across the globe, told Nature.
03 April 2014
Surveillance cameras hijacked to mine Bitcoin while watching you
23 April 2014
Iowa State University Hit by Bitcoin Mining Malware
March 2015
Bill Gates TED Talk “The next outbreak? We’re not ready”
01 April 2015
E.O. 13694 “Blocking the Property of Certain Persons Engaging in Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled
Activities” pursuant to, inter alia, the International Emergency
Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701-06).
This EO target members of Russia’s GRU.
29 December 2016
President Obama issued E.O. 13757, “Taking Additional Steps to Address the National Emergency with Respect to Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities”
01 March 2017
SpaceX files application with FCC For Approval for Orbital Deployment and Operating Authority for the SpaceX NGSO Satellite System
24 April 2017
Death of US citizen Joseph Stone of the OSCE in Eastern Ukraine
24 May 2017
S.1221 To counter the influence of the Russian Federation in Europe and Eurasia, and for other purposes.
07 July 2017
Ignore Bill Gates: Where bioweapons focus really belongs
“Available evidence shows that few terrorists have ever even contemplated using biological agents, and the extremely small number of bioterrorism incidents in the historical record shows that biological agents are difficult to use as weapons. The skills required to undertake even the most basic of bioterrorism attacks are more demanding than often assumed. These technical barriers are likely to persist in the near- and medium-term future. The real threat is that sophisticated biological weapons will be used by state actors—or by financially, scientifically, and militarily well-resourced groups sponsored by states.”
02 November 2017
How a Pentagon research project convinced Vladimir Putin of a coming biowar
11 December 2017
Space Policy Directive 1
Reinvigorating America's Human Space Exploration Program
February 2018
U.S. Nuclear Posture Review declares China and Russia are rivals of the U.S.
22 February 2018
SpaceX launches demo satellites for its high-speed internet project
by Jackie Wattles   @jackiewattles February 22, 2018: 4:22 PM ET
02 March 2018
Ominous biosecurity trends under Putin: NATURE
Gary Ackerman
My guess — and it is just a guess because there is no hard evidence — is that Russia is capable of working on any pathogen, with any technique, from CRISPR gene-editing to gain-of-function research.
13 March 2018
Trump announces the need for a Space Force at MCAS Miramar.
19 March 2018
Putin expands secret military labs for ‘genetic’ bombs as powerful as nukes
MARCH 19, 2018 07:09 AM, UPDATED MARCH 19, 2018 01:24 PM
05 April 2018
Performance of the first deputy. Head of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, Vice Admiral Igor Kostyukov
19 April 2018
May 2018
The New Killer Pathogens
Countering the Coming Bioweapons Threat
By Kate Charlet
Gene-editing techniques such as CRISPR could make biological weapons more deadly. Nations could develop novel or modified pathogens that would spread more quickly, infect more people, cause more severe sickness, or resist treatment more fully. Equipment needed for wide-area dispersal may become less necessary, for example, if a pathogen can be engineered to spread faster on its own. Whether that potential is tantalizing enough to convince countries to revitalize or initiate biological weapons programs is uncertain. These kinds of modifications have long been possible, just harder, using traditional genetic engineering techniques. But there are worrying signs that some leaders sense a new opportunity. In 2012, for example, Russian President Vladimir Putin intimated to his defense minister that he should plan to develop weapons based on new principles, including genetics.
09 May 2018
Trump fires Rear Admiral Tim Ziemer; the head of global health security on the White House’s National Security Council
“Sudden Departure Of White House Global Health Security Head Has Experts Worried”
Rear Adm. Tim Ziemer is among the departures since John Bolton became head of the National Security Council.
By Lauren Weber
04 October 2018
Russia claims US running secret bio weapons lab in Georgia
30 October 2018
Admiral Kuznetsov was damaged when Russia's biggest floating dry dock, PD-50, sank and one of the dock's 70-ton cranes crashed onto the ship's flight deck leaving behind a 200-square-foot (19 m2) hole in the flight deck. 
21 November 2018
Death of Colonel General Igor Valentinovich Korobov (Russian: И́горь Валенти́нович Ко́робов; 3 August 1956 – 21 November 2018) was the Chief of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Russia's military intelligence agency previously known as the GRU.
20 December 2018
Russia's Vladimir Putin warns about growing threat of nuclear war
If the US puts intermediate-range missiles in Europe, Russia will take countermeasures, Putin said at his end-of-year press conference. He warned the "threshold" for the use of nuclear weapons was getting lower. "We are currently observing the collapse of the international system for containing weapons," he added.
03 May 2019
Trump, Putin discussed Venezuela, Mueller during hourlong call
By CAITLIN OPRYSKO 05/03/2019 12:35 PM EDT Updated 05/03/2019 02:57 PM EDT
15 June 2019
U.S. Escalates Online Attacks on Russia’s Power Grid
By David E. Sanger and Nicole Perlroth June 15, 2019
23 July 2019
CBRN Conference News: Defense Officials See Increased Threat from Chinese, Russian Chem-Bio Weapons (UPDATED) By Yasmin Tadjdeh
02 August 2019
United States withdraws from the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, which ended the deployment of intermediate-range missiles by NATO and the former Soviet Union in Europe, plans to develop a new generation of treaty-noncompliant missiles have led to fears that they will return to the continent.
15-16 September 2019
“The spike in the repo rate to almost 10 per cent took traders and policymakers by surprise partly because banks held a cumulative $1.2tn in cash reserves at the Fed. The ability to earn a higher rate of interest in the repo market should have coaxed banks to lend this cash, but they did not.”
Source: Repo: “How the financial markets' plumbing got blocked” Financial Times,
16 September 2019
Russia Confirms Explosion At Ex Bioweapons Lab Storing Ebola, Smallpox And Plague
Zak Doffman
the Vector facility—the State Research Centre of Virology and Biotechnology—is a Cold War era Soviet bioweapons lab that now researches (and houses) Ebola, Smallpox and Anthrax.
16 September 2019
Novosibirsk Region, the village of Koltsovo, State Scientific Center "Vector"
There was an explosion of a gas cylinder with a fire (eliminated on an area of ​​30 m 2) on the 5th floor of a 6-storey reinforced concrete laboratory building in the sanitary inspection room being repaired. No work with biological material on the body was carried out. 1 person was injured, the building structure was not damaged.
What happened after an explosion at a Russian disease research lab called VECTOR?
By Filippa Lentzos, November 27, 2019
15-18 September 2019
Space Command General Jay Raymond meets with Elon Musk et al.
NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. — The Air Force’s newly minted U.S. Space Command general said he has recently met with billionaire space race investors Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk, as the service branch looks to expand its own capabilities.

“All of the above, all of the above,” U.S. Air Force Gen. Jay Raymond said, when asked if he had met with the founders of Virgin Orbit, Blue Origin and SpaceX.
“The top Pentagon space command officer recently met with billionaire investors Musk, Bezos and Branson”
18 October 2019
“The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.”
18-27 October 2019
The World Military Games are held in Wuhan China. 300 American athletes attend the games.
25 October 2019
Five of the US troops develop a fever and are treated at local hospital.
17 November 2019
Source: Coronavirus: China’s first confirmed Covid-19 case traced back to November 17, South China Morning Post,
Lavrov visits the White House.
12 December 2019
18 December 2019
Russia's top general warns NATO could spark 'large-scale military conflict' by staging exercises near eastern European border
·      Valery Gerasimov said NATO's activities have heightened tensions with Russia
·      NATO has staged drills in nations including Norway, Latvia and Estonia this year
·      Moscow has also held extensive war games with relations at a 30-year low
20 January 2020

First Reported Case of SARS-CoV-2 in the United States.
Coronavirus in the US: Latest COVID-19 news and case counts
22 January 2020
Russia begins disinformation campaign.
EU warns of ‘pro-Kremlin’ disinfo on coronavirus pandemic
The East StratCom office said it had collected 80 coronavirus-related disinformation cases on popular media channels in Europe since January 22. By ZOSIA WANAT, LAURENS CERULUS AND MARK SCOTT 3/18/20, 6:02 PM CET Updated 3/19/20, 12:15 PM CET
23 January 2020
The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists move the Doomsday Clock up to 100 seconds to midnight.
30 January 2020
Russia Closes Border With China to People, Not Goods
By Jake Rudnitsky and Evgenia Pismennaya
16 February 2020
U.S. says sanctions mean Russia can’t finish Nord Stream 2 pipeline
27 February 2020
Coronavirus, super-plagues, and why we need nuclear deterrence against biological warfare by Tom Rogan, Commentary Writer
09 March 2020
Russian-Saudi Oil Price War helps to crash stock market.
13 April 2020
Trump tells Bob Woodward that SARS-CoV-2, "is a killer... It is the plague."  Meanwhile Trump down plays the virus to the American public. 

The Soviet response to losing the space race was asymmetric warfare. The US destroyed their moonshots on the launch pad. This bottled them up on Earth. Biowarfare counters the US doomsday  plan by making the Earth uninhabitable to the US Space Force. US space soldiers and the POTUS returning from space after a nuclear war would die from viruses found in local animals and humans. The miniature nuclear weapons make missiles with up to a hundred warheads a reality. The baseball size of the warheads are below the grapefruit sized resolution of NORAD's space surveillance radar. Baseball sized nuclear weapons give Special Operations Forces the ability to bring down a country and possibly do it anonymously. America's SDI system has to concentrate on destroying the enemy countries missiles in boost phase or in their places.      

Monday, 8 June 2020


13 July 2018
Trump calls Nord Stream 2 pipeline a “horrible thing”
(Montel) US president Donald Trump on Friday called the Nord Stream 2 pipeline a “horrible thing” and warned that “it’s a tragedy” for Germany to allow billions of dollars into Russia’s coffers. “I think it’s a horrible thing what Germany is doing,” Trump told reporters at a joint press conference with Theresa May at the UK prime minister’s country residence Chequers. He said the gas pipeline would mean that Germany will get 60-70% of its energy from Russia. “How can you be working for peace and working from strength when someone has that kind of power over your country,” Trump said. “I think it’s very bad for Germany, very bad for the German people.” The USD 11.7bn Nord Stream 2 is due to be completed in 2019 and will stretch 745 miles through the Baltic Sea to Germany. It will follow the track of the existing Nord Stream 1, doubling the pipeline’s annual capacity to 110bcm.
18 February 2019
13:47 Rachel Waldholz
Pence, Merkel face off over Nord Stream 2 at Munich Security Conference
Die Welt / Reuters
US Vice President Mike Pence has issued a warning to Germany over the Nord Stream 2 pipeline at the Munich Security Conference this weekend, reports Die Welt.  His comments came after Merkel delivered a speech defending the project: ”It is right and important that Europe in some way retains sovereignty over its gas supply and the diversity of its gas supply," she said.

“We cannot strengthen the West by becoming dependent on the East,” Pence told reporters after meeting with Merkel in Munich, Reuters reports.

The US opposes the pipeline, which would deliver natural gas from Russia to Germany. American officials have argued the pipeline will make Europe too dependent on Russia, and would prefer European states to import LNG from US producers. At a joint conference with US representatives, German economy and energy minister Peter Altmaier last week sought to smoothen tensions with the US, announcing that Germany eyes opening its first own LNG import terminal soon and enable direct gas trade with the US.

12 March 2019
Lavrov: Threats of sanctions against Nord Stream 2 contradict international law
The Russian top diplomat noted that Washington’s manner "to dictate everything to everyone means no good"
10 April 2019
Pompeo is questioned about the Nord Stream 2 pipeline by Wyoming Senator Barrasso
On German-Russian Nord Stream 2 Gas Pipeline:
“One of the other topics you and I had a chance to discuss was Nord Stream 2. “It came up when we were at the Munich Defense Conference and continues to come up for discussion. “To me, its Putin’s pipeline. It’s a trap. A Russian trap the Germans are seemingly willing to enter into. “And I would just like your thoughts on are there things Germany has done over the last year to ensure that Nord Stream 2 would either not proceed without guarantees that Russian oil will be able to continue to be exported through Ukraine? “Because questions were raised earlier about Ukraine and the stability of that country. I think Senator Portman is heading there right after the elections. Some of us were there right before the first round of the elections.

Click here for video of Barrasso questioning Pompeo about German-

03 May 2019
Trump Says He Discussed the ‘Russian Hoax’ in a Phone Call With Putin
WASHINGTON — President Trump telephoned President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia on Friday for what both men described as a lengthy, positive conversation, in which they dismissed two years of investigations into Russia’s intervention in the 2016 presidential campaign as a “Russian Hoax” and a mountain that “ended up being a mouse.”
04 October 2019
Trump has spoken privately with Putin at least 16 times. Here’s what we know about the conversations.
By Adam Taylor Oct. 4, 2019 at 9:30 a.m. PDT

11 December 2019
Lavrov visits the White House.
18 December 2019
Russia's top general warns NATO could spark 'large-scale military conflict' by staging exercises near eastern European border
Valery Gerasimov said NATO's activities have heightened tensions with Russia
NATO has staged drills in nations including Norway, Latvia and Estonia this year
Moscow has also held extensive war games with relations at a 30-year low
20 December 2019
President Donald Trump has signed a law that will impose sanctions on any firm that helps Russia's state-owned gas company, Gazprom, finish a pipeline into the European Union.
23 December 2019
Russia to retaliate for US sanctions against Nord Stream 2
MOSCOW (AP) — The Russian government has vowed to retaliate against U.S. sanctions on a new Russia-Germany pipeline, work on which was suspended on Saturday. U.S. President Donald Trump signed legislation last week that provides for sanctions against individuals and companies involved with the vessels laying the Nord Stream 2 pipeline under the Baltic Sea from Russia to Germany. The move prompted a Swiss company that operates ships laying sections of the pipeline to suspend the work. 

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Monday that Moscow will take measures of “reciprocity” over the sanctions, which Russia considers unacceptable. “How and when it will be done remains a question of Russia’s national interests,” Peskov told reporters on Monday, adding that the Kremlin still hopes to complete Nord Stream 2. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov reiterated the sentiment, saying that Russia would respond to “these absolutely unacceptable, blunt actions that violate all norms of international law and diplomatic and human decency” after some “cool-headed analysis” of the situation.
26 December 2019
Russia can complete Nord Stream 2 pipeline by itself: Kremlin
Russia's energy minister says despite US sanctions, Moscow will proceed to finish the Baltic Sea pipeline. Germany is dependent on imports for 92% of its gas needs; Washington wants a slice of the lucrative supply trade.
29 December 2019
“The Kremlin issued a brief statement saying Vladimir Putin had initiated a call to thank Trump for information provided by the United States that helped foil a [New Year’s] terrorist attack in St. Petersburg.” Trump was invited to attend May Day festivities in Moscow by Putin.
Trump's latest call with Putin raises more questions than it answers
Kevin Liptak-Profile-Image
By Kevin Liptak, CNN
Updated 6:56 PM ET, Mon December 30, 2019
03 January 2020
Qasem Soleimani is assassinated by Trump.
09 March 2020
Russian-Saudi Oil Price War helps to crash stock market.
11 March 2020
US would like to see Ukraine live under its control on Russian money — Putin
Putin explained that to a certain extent he was referring to the money Moscow was paying for transiting gas to Europe through Ukraine
14 March 2020
Trump to fill U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve “to the very top”
30 March 2020
Trump phone call with Putin. He discusses what is being framed as the “Russian-Saudi Oil War.” The framing is interesting because it leaves out the fact that the American Fracking industry is the biggest casualty of the war.
“Trump says he will speak with Putin to discuss oil market and trade”
By Betsy Klein, CNN
Updated 9:09 AM ET, Mon March 30, 2020

10 April 2020
Trump talks to Putin for a second consecutive day discussing the coronavirus crisis and oil production.
Trump, Putin speak for second consecutive day
BY BRETT SAMUELS - 04/10/20 11:31 AM EDT

12 April 2020
Trump and Putin talk this Sunday.
President Trump 'talked about nuclear weapons' with Vladimir Putin in a call to the Kremlin over the weekend as START Treaty's expiration looms
President Trump told reporters Monday that he discussed nuclear arms control during his latest conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin
The president shared phone call with Putin on Sunday just hours after he helped broker a historic deal with the OPEC+ to shore up plummeting oil prices
 Trump revealed the contents of the call during the White House's daily coronavirus press briefing on Monday evening
'We did talk about the arms. Yes, we did,' Trump told reporters from the podium. 'It was a very important part of the call actually'
Though Trump failed to divulge specifics the Russian president's press secretary said Putin and Trump spoke of the START Treaty, which is set to expire next year
Learn more about how to help people impacted by COVID
PUBLISHED: 01:42 EDT, 14 April 2020 | UPDATED: 04:57 EDT, 14 April 2020

17 April 2020
Secretary Pompeo’s Call with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov

The below is attributable to Spokesperson Morgan Ortagus:‎

Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo spoke today with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.  Secretary Pompeo and Foreign Minister Lavrov discussed next steps in the bilateral Strategic Security Dialogue, taking into account the COVID-19 pandemic.  The Secretary emphasized that any future arms control talks must be based on President Trump’s vision for a trilateral arms control agreement that includes both Russia and China.  The Secretary and the Foreign Minister also discussed bilateral issues, including the detention of U.S. citizens.

Sunday, 7 June 2020


As Permafrost Melts It's Unleashing Ancient Viruses, Carbon - And Now Fuel Spills
Melting permafrost, suspected by Russia of being behind an unprecedented fuel spill that has polluted huge stretches of Arctic rivers, is a time bomb threatening health and the environment, and risks speeding up global warming.​

On May 29, 21,000 tonnes of diesel fuel spilled from a reservoir that collapsed which Russian metals giant Norilsk Nickel owns through a subsidiary.

Norilsk, one of the country's biggest industrial centres, lies above the Arctic circle and Norilsk Nickel and Russian officials have said they had suspect permafrost thawing.

What is permafrost?
Permafrost - soil that is frozen - is found mostly in the Northern Hemisphere, where it covers about a quarter of exposed land and is generally thousands of years old.

It covers a wide belt between the Arctic Circle and boreal forests, spanning Alaska, Canada, and Russia.

It can vary in depth from a few metres to hundreds.

Locked into the permafrost is an estimated 1.7 trillion tonnes of carbon in the form of frozen organic matter - the remains of rotted plants and long-dead animals trapped in sediment and later covered by ice sheets.

Permafrost soils contain roughly twice as much carbon - mainly in the form of methane and CO2 - as Earth's atmosphere.

Speeding up global warming
When permafrost thaws, this matter warms up and decomposes, eventually releasing the carbon that it holds as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane, gases which have a greenhouse warming effect on the planet.

The release of greenhouse gases threatens a vicious circle in the warming of the Earth.

According to a report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in September 2019 a large part of the permafrost could melt by 2100 if carbon pollution continues unabated, releasing a carbon bomb of greenhouse gases.

Frozen diseases?
The thawing of the permafrost also threatens to unlock disease-causing bacteria and viruses long trapped in the ice.​

There have already been some cases of this happening.

In 2016 a child died in Russia's far northern Siberia in an outbreak of anthrax that scientists said seemed to have come from the corpses of infected reindeers buried 70 years before but uncovered by melting permafrost.

Released from the ice, the anthrax seems to have been passed to grazing herds.

Scientists have also warned that other dormant pathogens entombed in frozen soil may be roused by global warming, such as from old smallpox graves.​

In 2014 scientists revived a giant but harmless virus, dubbed Pithovirus sibericum, that had been locked in the Siberian permafrost for more than 30,000 years.

A permafrost thaw could be a boon for the oil and mining industries, providing access to previously difficult-to-reach reserves in the Arctic. But in disturbing the subsoil too deeply, they could awake the viruses, scientists warn.​

The melting permafrost also presents a serious and costly threat to infrastructure, risking mudslides and damage to buildings, roads and oil pipelines.

© Agence France-Presse


Stories pushing the narrative that viruses are going to emerge from the tundra have been circulating more and more in recent years. A quick Google search revealed a story going back to 2008 [1]. These kind stories make little sense. There is no evidence that viruses can or cannot survive for millions of years frozen in ice. Assuming it could, why would a virus found in a frozen animal make the jump to humans? These stories could be priming. The national security state knows that more biowarfare shoes are going to drop in the coming years. They might be able to explain it away by claiming it came from the tundra of Siberia or Alaska. We at the Area-51 blog believe that biowarfare is the counter to America's space warfare capability. It is the response the Pentagon's new Starlink system. This system aims to counter the Russian's communications jamming capability. Which worked so well on 911. Bioweapons were the counter to America's first "space force," i.e. the weapons developed under the NEPA/ANP programs. The weapons systems that culminated in APOLLO GUARDIAN. 

1. Phillips, Kristin. "Climate Threat: Thawing Tundra Releases Infected Corpses". Livescience.Com, 2020,

Friday, 5 June 2020



John Walker gave the Soviets the ability to know where the US subs were at all times. How would this have been possible? John Walker's treachery began in line with the development of the KH-9. The most likely candidate for a satellite based Anti-Submarine Warfare Satellite. The navy was developing lasers to detect submarines in the early 1960's. It was mentioned in the Mechanix Illustrated in early 1963. They had been working on it for at least a couple of years before publishing of that article. There is also a possibility that a muon tomography based passive system had been developed to see the subs as well. The Hexagon system was also most likely integrated into the US Navy's passive sonar array known as SOSUS. So, it looks like Walker gave the Soviets the ability to tap into the U.S. military's satellite feed that allowed them to see the subs from space. He also gave the ability to jam the system. Because secure communications are essential to make the integrated system work. 


This was floating around circa 1981. It comes from a document outlining different methods for delivering nuclear weapons. This document was of interest because it shows something in the sea being attacked. If we go by what Ben Rich says about the release of information being delayed for 8 to 10 years. Then the orbital based system here goes back to 1971. But we know from other documents that the Air Force was developing the CAMAL in the mid -1950's 


It is notable that the defense stations in this picture form a hexagon and the hexagon system was the name for the KH-9. It is also notable that the hexagon of surveillance satellites sit in a higher orbit than the defence stations. One might think, the KH-9 was a intelligence gathering satellite, they must be the satellites pictured there. But, the KH-9 would not have sat at that orbit. The KH-9's were orbiting at 100 to 200 miles above the earth. So, the KH-9 was the defense station.In addition, with nuclear engines to correct their orbits and optical camouflage the KH-9 could also stay on the darkside of the earth, evading detection by never traversing the sun and the optical camouflage would disguise it while traversing the moon. The satellites would need to refuel. So, there is probably a refueling station hidden in near earth Lagrange Point.

Walker's spyring also gave the Soviets information on Diego Garcia America's AREA-51 in the Indian Ocean.

THE Russians had no coverage of the Island.