The purpose of this blog is to document America's nuclear aero-space program being run out of AREA-51 using open sources. It has been said that 90% of intelligence analysis uses open sources. The preponderance of the evidence shows that the American Military runs part of their Black Space Program out of AREA-51 utilizing nuclear powered propulsion.
Thursday, 30 August 2018
Sunday, 19 August 2018
The Augusta Chronicle (Georgia)
October 16, 2000, Monday,, FINAL EDITION
A blast more powerful ''than just TNT'' buckled the USS
Cole's deck and turned the attacking boat into ''confetti size'' pieces that
rained down on the crippled destroyer, officials said Sunday in accounts that
shed light on the enormous devastation of the bombing. The details, provided by
senior U.S. officials who spoke on condition of anonymity, also raised
questions about the level of security in a port selected last year as a key
refueling point for U.S. warships traveling between the Mediterranean and the
Persian Gulf.
There has been no credible claim of responsibility from
Thursday's apparent suicide attack, which killed 17 sailors, wounded 39 others
and punched a 40-by-40-foot chasm in the hull. Yemeni security forces have
detained more than a dozen people for further questioning, but no arrests have
been announced. It ranks as the deadliest terrorist attack on the U.S. military
since the bombing of an Air Force barracks in Saudi Arabia in 1996 that killed
''Now exactly who was behind it, what their motivation was
and how they were able to arrange it, that we can't speculate on,'' said
Barbara Bodine, the U.S. ambassador to Yemen. ''The ship has suffered a
tremendous blow,'' said Rear Adm. Mark Fitzgerald, the military commander of
the U.S. task force sent to the ship. On the listing deck of the Cole, crew
members gathered for religious services and offered prayers for their dead
shipmates - some still wedged behind contorted metal below. A planned formal
memorial was delayed because the crew worked through the night to control
flooding after another bulk head collapsed, officials said.
Also on Sunday, the plane carrying 33 injured crew members
landed at the Norfolk Naval Station in Norfolk, Va., while the other six
injured remained hospitalized in Germany. The bodies of five of the sailors
killed arrived back on U.S. soil Saturday. Meanwhile, experts began scouring
the ravaged ship in search of clues and the bodies of sailors still missing. Divers
began searching water-filled compartments. Crews with powerful metal cutters
will try to slice through the wreckage to reach bodies: two visible and 10
still missing and perhaps trapped behind floors and walls bent wildly by the
Terrorism and explosive experts combed through scenes
described by a U.S. official as ''utter devastation.'' On the deck, ''confetti
size'' pieces from the wooden attack boat were collected, the official said. Among
the tasks for the investigators: looking for residue that could indicate the
type of explosives. One of the officials said the power of the blast suggested
''more than just TNT'' - which could suggest a well-organized and supplied
The officials said the blast occurred shortly after the ship
was secured to two buoys to begin refueling in the harbor, which was full of
pleasure boats, fishing vessels and merchant ships. About two to three support
vessels were around the Cole, including pilot craft and a garbage barge. There
was no cry of alarm from the Cole's crew. Two people on the attack boat
reportedly stood at attention briefly before the explosion.
The blast at the waterline was close to the dining area for
senior enlisted officers. Most hands were busy finishing the docking. A few
minutes later, however, and the mess area would have started to fill. Immediately
after the explosion, the ship began to fill with oily water from the 40-foot
deep harbor. The ship listed under the weight of the flood. The impact wrenched
open hatches and buckled parts of the deck on the 4-year-old destroyer, whose
modern construction may have helped it stay afloat. Power was lost, and
generators were used to pump out water and keep the Cole afloat.
The U.S. Navy has ''blanket clearance'' to dock at Aden,
where it keeps its own stockpile of fuel in cooperation with a private Yemeni
company. Normally, a 48-hour advance notice is given of a ship's arrival. The
information is passed on to Yemeni port authorities and the fuel agent, officials
said. U.S. diplomats have insisted the Yemeni government is not suspected of
any terrorists links. But security has been a key issue regarding Aden, the
home base for an Islamic militant group founded by the brother of terrorist
mastermind Osama bin Laden. Mr. bin Laden has been accused of links to the 1998
bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania that killed 224 people.
The mystery of what hit the USS Cole on 12 October 2000 has never been solved. The power of the blast though suggests that the Cole was hit with a tactical nuclear weapon. The attack was retaliation for the sinking of the Kursk that had occurred on the 12th of August just two months prior. The odds of two significant naval attacks occurring on the 12th of the month in a year are 925 to 1. So, the odds that this was a coincidence are very long indeed.
The attackers according the article only may have had a 48 hour window to launch the attack. This shows that the attackers were very sophisticated. The attack was too sophisticated for Bin Laden. Yemen during the Cold War was divided along ideological lines. North Yemen was supported by the Soviets. The Russian's had intelligence assets in the country. The attack was revenge for America's sinking of the Kursk.
The attack on the USS COLE could have been prevented, if the ship had been nuclear powered, then there would have been no need to refuel in the port at Aden. The United States Navy is beholden to BIG OIL. The Navy consumes large amounts of petroleum to power it's surface fleet [1]. An oil fueled fleet might be good for America's oil companies. But, on October 12, 2000 it caused the deaths of 17 sailors. Greed is more important than the safety of America's sailors. 17 sailors had to die, so fat cat Americans could make a buck off an antiquated technology known as OIL.
13 September 2019
The fact that the USN had "blanket clearance", meaning they can just enter the port of Aden whenever they want no prior warning given, shows that the level of sophistication needed to carry out the attack was beyond Bin Laden's capability. The attackers needed surveillance to carry out the attack. Only the Russians would have both the motive and capability to carry out this attack.
1. The USN spent 4 to 5 billion dollars a year on fuel in 2013.
The attackers according the article only may have had a 48 hour window to launch the attack. This shows that the attackers were very sophisticated. The attack was too sophisticated for Bin Laden. Yemen during the Cold War was divided along ideological lines. North Yemen was supported by the Soviets. The Russian's had intelligence assets in the country. The attack was revenge for America's sinking of the Kursk.
The attack on the USS COLE could have been prevented, if the ship had been nuclear powered, then there would have been no need to refuel in the port at Aden. The United States Navy is beholden to BIG OIL. The Navy consumes large amounts of petroleum to power it's surface fleet [1]. An oil fueled fleet might be good for America's oil companies. But, on October 12, 2000 it caused the deaths of 17 sailors. Greed is more important than the safety of America's sailors. 17 sailors had to die, so fat cat Americans could make a buck off an antiquated technology known as OIL.
13 September 2019
The fact that the USN had "blanket clearance", meaning they can just enter the port of Aden whenever they want no prior warning given, shows that the level of sophistication needed to carry out the attack was beyond Bin Laden's capability. The attackers needed surveillance to carry out the attack. Only the Russians would have both the motive and capability to carry out this attack.
1. The USN spent 4 to 5 billion dollars a year on fuel in 2013.
Saturday, 18 August 2018
RED MERCURY WTC-93, OKC-95 & 9-11
THIS WEEK 29 April 1995
Cherry red and very dangerous
By Rob Edwards
“RED MERCURY”, a uniquely powerful chemical explosive which has been dismissed by many experts as a myth, could be real, and it could pose a serious threat to the world’s attempts to control the spread of nuclear weapons. New information leaked from South Africa, Russia and the US has convinced leading nuclear weapons scientists that the chemical’s potential risks should now be taken seriously.
The scientists, who include Sam Cohen, the American nuclear physicist who invented the neutron bomb, and Frank Barnaby, the former director of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, are worried that red mercury could make it much easier for nations or terrorist groups to construct small but deadly thermonuclear fusion weapons. They are calling for the 178-nation conference on the future of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, due to end in New York in two weeks, to introduce tougher controls on the international trade in tritium, one of the raw materials of the fusion bomb.
“I don’t want to sound melodramatic,” says Cohen, who worked on the Manhattan Project to build the atom bomb in the 1940s and was a nuclear weapons adviser to the US government with the Rand Corporation for 20 years. “But red mercury is real and it is terrifying. I think it is part of a terrorist weapon that potentially spells the end of organised society.” He claims that it could be used to make a baseball-sized neutron bomb capable of killing everyone within about 600 metres of the explosion.
Barnaby, a respected nuclear weapons analyst who has been investigating red mercury for the past six years, is more cautious. He accepts that there have been many cases in which offers of red mercury for sale at enormous prices have turned out to be hoaxes. But he believes “on the balance of probabilities” that a mercury-based high explosive which could revolutionise the design of nuclear weapons was developed within the former Soviet Union.
The latest evidence Barnaby has seen is two documents leaked to Greenpeace, apparently from a former mercury production plant in South Africa. The documents detail chemical specifications for a substance called “red mercury 20:20”; a compound of pure mercury and mercury antimony oxide (Hg2Sb2O7) described as “cherry red” and “semi-liquid”. The documents seem to form part of a request from an unknown buyer for the supply of “4-10 flasks per month” of the substance.
One of the documents, dated 2 April 1990, is addressed to Wolfgang Dolich at the British-owned Thor Chemical company at Speyer, near Mannheim in Germany. Dolich, who was a sales manager at the time and is now the company’s German director, could not remember who had sent him the document, nor could he decipher whose illegible signature it bears. But he thinks the document is likely to be one of the many requests that he used to receive for mercury products. He says that he probably passed it on to his company’s sister plant at Cato Ridge in Natal, South Africa, where mercury compounds were manufactured until a few years ago.
But Dolich told New Scientist that nothing could have come of the request because Thor, which runs chemicals businesses in seven countries from its headquarters in Margate, Kent, had never been involved in the manufacture of red mercury.
The document also contains a handwritten note saying “Herewith all we have on red mercury” and signed “Alan”. Dolich thinks this is likely to be Alan Kidger, Thor’s Johannesburg-based sales director who was mysteriously murdered in November 1991. South African police investigators believe that Kidger’s murder could be linked to a clandestine trade in red mercury, although the company denies this.
Barnaby regards the specifications in the documents as scientifically credible, although they are not always easy to understand. They are similar to others he has seen from Russia, Germany and Austria and reinforce his view that there is a significant international trade in red mercury. In association with two other senior scientists from Italy and the US, whom he declined to name, he is now actively trying to acquire a small sample of red mercury so that its alleged properties can be properly tested in a laboratory.
Barnaby’s group has talked to four unnamed scientists in Russia. Barnaby says all four provided detailed information about red mercury. As a result Barnaby has concluded that it is a polymer with a gel-like consistency in which mercury and antimony have been bound together after irradiation for up to 20 days in a nuclear reactor.
He says that mercury antimony oxide is produced in “relatively large quantities” at a chemicals factory in Yekaterinburg. Red mercury itself, he claims, was first produced in 1965 in a cyclotron at the nuclear research centre at Dubna, near Moscow, and is now made at “a number” of Russian military centres, including Krasnoyarsk in Siberia and Penza, 500 kilometres southeast of Moscow. One Russian scientist estimates that Russia produces about 60 kilograms of red mercury a year.
Barnaby argues that the gel, as well as having possible uses in fission weapons, could yield enough chemical energy when compressed to fuse tritium atoms and produce a thermonuclear explosion. The gel may already be incorporated in Russian neutron weapons, such as the M-1975 240-millimetre mortar, he says.
If this is true, red mercury would be a remarkable material which could have dramatic implications for energy production as well as weapons technology. But its existence is doubted, not just by the British, US and German governments (This Week, 6 June 1992), but also by independent critics. Two of the most notable are Joseph Rotblat, emeritus professor of physics at the University of London, and Ted Taylor, a leading bomb designer at the US nuclear weapons laboratory at Los Alamos in New Mexico in the 1950s.
Taylor points out that the only conceivable way to obtain the high levels of chemical energy claimed for red mercury would be to dislodge the inner electrons of mercury and antimony. But he argues that it is difficult to see how this could produce a substance that was stable long enough to be used as an explosive. “I would bet that it does not exist,” he says.
Despite his scepticism, Taylor believes that the potential implications of red mercury are so significant that it ought to be investigated. The discovery of a material that could release hundreds or thousands of times more chemical energy than TNT could be “more important than nuclear fission”, he says. It could revolutionise space travel as well as making possible a fearsome new category of nuclear fusion weapons. “I hope it’s all wrong, but maybe I’m slipping into wishful thinking,” he says. He agrees with Barnaby and Cohen that trade in tritium ought to be subject to the same safeguards as plutonium and highly enriched uranium, the essential ingredients of fission bombs.
Cohen, however, claims that red mercury is one of a new class of highly explosive materials under secret investigation by nuclear weapons scientists in the US. He quotes a memorandum which he received recently from Sandia National Laboratories, the nuclear weapons engineering centre in New Mexico, which describes such materials as “ballotechnic”. According to the memo, this means that “under certain conditions” the chemical energy obtained “can be greater than with high explosives”.
Bob Graham, a senior researcher at Sandia, says that he coined the term “ballotechnics” to describe devices which produce heat following exposure to shock. But he insists that it has no connection with red mercury, which he does not believe exists. “Graham is not free to speak openly about this,” counters Cohen. “I am.” (see Diagram)
Make-up of red mercury fusion bomb
Holloway's commentary:
Red Mercury is the answer to how the Russians made it through America's security for WTC-93, OKC-95 and 9-11. And, why evidence of chemical explosives were not found in the WTC 93 and OKC [1]. These bombs were the counter to the roll out of SDI which took place during the 1970's. This is the time the Soviets manufactured these weapons, according to GRU defector Stanislav Lunev. This is also in line with the 1975 establishment of the Nuclear Emergency Search Team (NEST).
Witness Says Expert Lied At Bomb Trial (Published 2004). (2004). Retrieved 28 May 2021, from
THIS WEEK 29 April 1995
Cherry red and very dangerous
By Rob Edwards
“RED MERCURY”, a uniquely powerful chemical explosive which has been dismissed by many experts as a myth, could be real, and it could pose a serious threat to the world’s attempts to control the spread of nuclear weapons. New information leaked from South Africa, Russia and the US has convinced leading nuclear weapons scientists that the chemical’s potential risks should now be taken seriously.
The scientists, who include Sam Cohen, the American nuclear physicist who invented the neutron bomb, and Frank Barnaby, the former director of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, are worried that red mercury could make it much easier for nations or terrorist groups to construct small but deadly thermonuclear fusion weapons. They are calling for the 178-nation conference on the future of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, due to end in New York in two weeks, to introduce tougher controls on the international trade in tritium, one of the raw materials of the fusion bomb.
“I don’t want to sound melodramatic,” says Cohen, who worked on the Manhattan Project to build the atom bomb in the 1940s and was a nuclear weapons adviser to the US government with the Rand Corporation for 20 years. “But red mercury is real and it is terrifying. I think it is part of a terrorist weapon that potentially spells the end of organised society.” He claims that it could be used to make a baseball-sized neutron bomb capable of killing everyone within about 600 metres of the explosion.
Barnaby, a respected nuclear weapons analyst who has been investigating red mercury for the past six years, is more cautious. He accepts that there have been many cases in which offers of red mercury for sale at enormous prices have turned out to be hoaxes. But he believes “on the balance of probabilities” that a mercury-based high explosive which could revolutionise the design of nuclear weapons was developed within the former Soviet Union.
The latest evidence Barnaby has seen is two documents leaked to Greenpeace, apparently from a former mercury production plant in South Africa. The documents detail chemical specifications for a substance called “red mercury 20:20”; a compound of pure mercury and mercury antimony oxide (Hg2Sb2O7) described as “cherry red” and “semi-liquid”. The documents seem to form part of a request from an unknown buyer for the supply of “4-10 flasks per month” of the substance.
One of the documents, dated 2 April 1990, is addressed to Wolfgang Dolich at the British-owned Thor Chemical company at Speyer, near Mannheim in Germany. Dolich, who was a sales manager at the time and is now the company’s German director, could not remember who had sent him the document, nor could he decipher whose illegible signature it bears. But he thinks the document is likely to be one of the many requests that he used to receive for mercury products. He says that he probably passed it on to his company’s sister plant at Cato Ridge in Natal, South Africa, where mercury compounds were manufactured until a few years ago.
But Dolich told New Scientist that nothing could have come of the request because Thor, which runs chemicals businesses in seven countries from its headquarters in Margate, Kent, had never been involved in the manufacture of red mercury.
The document also contains a handwritten note saying “Herewith all we have on red mercury” and signed “Alan”. Dolich thinks this is likely to be Alan Kidger, Thor’s Johannesburg-based sales director who was mysteriously murdered in November 1991. South African police investigators believe that Kidger’s murder could be linked to a clandestine trade in red mercury, although the company denies this.
Barnaby regards the specifications in the documents as scientifically credible, although they are not always easy to understand. They are similar to others he has seen from Russia, Germany and Austria and reinforce his view that there is a significant international trade in red mercury. In association with two other senior scientists from Italy and the US, whom he declined to name, he is now actively trying to acquire a small sample of red mercury so that its alleged properties can be properly tested in a laboratory.
Barnaby’s group has talked to four unnamed scientists in Russia. Barnaby says all four provided detailed information about red mercury. As a result Barnaby has concluded that it is a polymer with a gel-like consistency in which mercury and antimony have been bound together after irradiation for up to 20 days in a nuclear reactor.
He says that mercury antimony oxide is produced in “relatively large quantities” at a chemicals factory in Yekaterinburg. Red mercury itself, he claims, was first produced in 1965 in a cyclotron at the nuclear research centre at Dubna, near Moscow, and is now made at “a number” of Russian military centres, including Krasnoyarsk in Siberia and Penza, 500 kilometres southeast of Moscow. One Russian scientist estimates that Russia produces about 60 kilograms of red mercury a year.
Barnaby argues that the gel, as well as having possible uses in fission weapons, could yield enough chemical energy when compressed to fuse tritium atoms and produce a thermonuclear explosion. The gel may already be incorporated in Russian neutron weapons, such as the M-1975 240-millimetre mortar, he says.
If this is true, red mercury would be a remarkable material which could have dramatic implications for energy production as well as weapons technology. But its existence is doubted, not just by the British, US and German governments (This Week, 6 June 1992), but also by independent critics. Two of the most notable are Joseph Rotblat, emeritus professor of physics at the University of London, and Ted Taylor, a leading bomb designer at the US nuclear weapons laboratory at Los Alamos in New Mexico in the 1950s.
Taylor points out that the only conceivable way to obtain the high levels of chemical energy claimed for red mercury would be to dislodge the inner electrons of mercury and antimony. But he argues that it is difficult to see how this could produce a substance that was stable long enough to be used as an explosive. “I would bet that it does not exist,” he says.
Despite his scepticism, Taylor believes that the potential implications of red mercury are so significant that it ought to be investigated. The discovery of a material that could release hundreds or thousands of times more chemical energy than TNT could be “more important than nuclear fission”, he says. It could revolutionise space travel as well as making possible a fearsome new category of nuclear fusion weapons. “I hope it’s all wrong, but maybe I’m slipping into wishful thinking,” he says. He agrees with Barnaby and Cohen that trade in tritium ought to be subject to the same safeguards as plutonium and highly enriched uranium, the essential ingredients of fission bombs.
Cohen, however, claims that red mercury is one of a new class of highly explosive materials under secret investigation by nuclear weapons scientists in the US. He quotes a memorandum which he received recently from Sandia National Laboratories, the nuclear weapons engineering centre in New Mexico, which describes such materials as “ballotechnic”. According to the memo, this means that “under certain conditions” the chemical energy obtained “can be greater than with high explosives”.
Bob Graham, a senior researcher at Sandia, says that he coined the term “ballotechnics” to describe devices which produce heat following exposure to shock. But he insists that it has no connection with red mercury, which he does not believe exists. “Graham is not free to speak openly about this,” counters Cohen. “I am.” (see Diagram)
Make-up of red mercury fusion bomb
Holloway's commentary:
Red Mercury is the answer to how the Russians made it through America's security for WTC-93, OKC-95 and 9-11. And, why evidence of chemical explosives were not found in the WTC 93 and OKC [1]. These bombs were the counter to the roll out of SDI which took place during the 1970's. This is the time the Soviets manufactured these weapons, according to GRU defector Stanislav Lunev. This is also in line with the 1975 establishment of the Nuclear Emergency Search Team (NEST).
Witness Says Expert Lied At Bomb Trial (Published 2004). (2004). Retrieved 28 May 2021, from
Friday, 17 August 2018
During the course of the 20th Century the American Ruling Class (ARC) committed a genocide that claimed the lives of 68 million Russians. The ARC supported Hitler as a "bulwark" against the Russians in the 1930's and then unleashed his Nazis on Russia killing anywhere from 27 to 42 million Russians [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]. The genocide of WW2 is widely known. The genocide that occurred in the years following the end of the Cold War is not widely known. In the 1990's America pushed "economic reforms" known as "shock therapy." America's prescribed "shock therapy" killed millions. Even Western controlled institutions such as UNICEF and The LANCET acknowledge a body count going well into the millions [7], [8], [9]. The counts go as high as 10 million. The Russians claim that 26.5 million of their people were killed by Yeltsin and his Chicago Boy masters in the 1990's. All of this is just swept under the rug of course by American politicians. None of them will admit to the carnage the ARC caused in Russia in the 1990's nor will they admit to the blow-back that came from it in the form of tactical nuclear strikes on CONUS. WTC-93, OKC 95 and 911 were Russian retaliatory strikes on America.
1. Bershidsky, Leonid. "A Message To Putin From 42 Million Dead The Soviet Union's World War II Losses May Far Exceed The Official Count.". Bloomberg.Com, 2017, Accessed 18 Aug 2018.
2. Black, Edwin. IBM And The Holocaust. 1st ed., Crown, 2001.
3. Black, Edwin. Nazi Nexus: America's Corporate Connections To Hitler's Holocaust. 1st ed., Dialog Press, 2009.
4. Higham, Charles. American Swastika: The Shocking Story Of Nazi Collaborators In Our Midst From 1933 To The Present Day. 1st ed., Doubleday, 1985.
5. Higham, Charles. TRADING WITH THE ENEMY. 1st ed., Barnes And Noble, 1983.
6. Sutton, Antony C. Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler. Clairview, 2010.
7. "Lancet Study Confirms Millions Died From "Shock Therapy"". Daily Kos, 2018, Accessed 18 Aug 2018.
8. Stuckler, David et al. "Mass Privatisation And The Post-Communist Mortality Crisis: A Cross-National Analysis". THE LANCET, vol 373, no. 9661, 2009, Accessed 18 Aug 2018.
9. The MONEE Project CEE/CIS/Baltics. A Decade Of Transition. UNICEF, Florence, Italy, 2001, Accessed 18 Aug 2018.
In this March 1990 video Alexander Zinoviev predicts that Boris Yeltsin will destroy the Soviet Union. The debate was broadcast on French TV. He was right on the money.
Putin does not mince his words too much in this video. He mentions the dire circumstances facing Russia during his rise to power in 1998. Two months after his appointment as head of the FSB, the African Embassy bombings took place. America struck back ten days later throwing the Russian economy into chaos. Ultimately the back in forth between Russia and the US led to 911, an attack that foiled America's doomsday plan.
Sunday, 5 August 2018
Herald Sun
August 27, 1991 Tuesday
LENGTH: 542 words
THE Russian republic wants a veto over the Soviet Union's nuclear weapons. Russian Vice-President Alexander Rutskoi said the republic was seeking the veto after the disclosure that the Soviet coup plotters seized the codes for launching the country's tactical nuclear weapons. And Russian leader Boris Yeltsin said today his federation also reserved the right to question its borders with any republic that withdrew from the union. There are already suggestions that Russia take the USSR's seat at the United Nations Security Council.
The Russian President's statement seems certain to send shivers across the other 14 republics of the Soviet Union. With virtually every inter-republican frontier a potential source of dispute, Mr Gorbachev's Union Treaty had declared all borders inviolable. The treaty as it stands is all but finished. Mr Yeltsin's spokesman, Pavel Voshchanov, said the warning mainly referred to northern Kazakhstan and to the Donbass region and the Crimea in the Ukraine.
"If these republics enter the (renewed) Union with Russia it is not a problem," he said.
Mr Rutskoi said the revelation about the nuclear codes falling into the hands of the coup plotters at the weekend raised questions about the security of the vast nuclear arsenal in times of turmoil.
The plotters who approached President Gorbachev at his Crimean villa on Sunday seized a briefcase containing the launch codes, but apparently could not have used them without his help.
Co-operation was also required from a top Defence Ministry official and the military's General Staff, according to the editor of Jane's Soviet High Command, Richard Woff. He said he believed the Soviet system for deploying the weapons rendered the coup plotters incapable of using them.
"He would then have had to co-ordinate the other two points of the triad," Woff said of those who held the codes. "And I don't think he'd have been able to do this. "There would have been someone on the General Staff who would have sensed the madness of this and would have pulled the plug." The new Soviet Defence Minister, Yevgeny Shaposhnikov, also denied that the coup plotters - some of whom may still be at large - ever had the ability to launch a nuclear strike.
But Woff, in an interview, said the seizure of the codes constituted a serious breach of security nonetheless. "There was a very serious possibility of the codes falling into the wrong hands," he said. "If they did get hold of this case, why were they allowed to get hold of it?" US Defence Secretary Dick Cheney told NBC television on Sunday that the codes were retrieved after the coup collapsed last Wednesday and were returned safely to the central government. "Most of the strategic systems that we are most concerned about are in the Russian Republic," Mr Cheney said. "They appear to be, at this point, clearly under the control of the central government."
Hundreds of nuclear weapons remain, however, in Soviet republics trying to break away from the central government.But Woff said those republics would be incapable of launching the weapons.
Apart from Russia, other strategic weapons are thought to be deployed in the Ukraine and in Kazakhstan.
Saturday, 4 August 2018
The American Ruling Class (ARC) had the technology to weaponize space long before the Soviets. The question is did they use it? America is run by sociopathic capitalists that care nothing for their own population. They let their own people live and die in the streets. They refuse to give their people universal health care. The capitalist medical system bankrupts millions of Americans. The ARC has refused to recognize and provide any of the economic rights outlined in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights to their people. They intentionally impoverish their own citizens in order to make them wage slaves. The real question is why wouldn't the American Ruling Class secretly weaponize space? They have no ethics or morals to stop them, so of course they did it.
Thursday, 2 August 2018
The reports of cone shaped UFOs go back to the late 1940's. These UFO's are associated with radioactive soil samples and EMP effects. The speed of the object in the 07 January 1948 sighting is in line with the cruising speed of the B-36. Much of the UFO sighting data is in line with experiments that would have been needed to build an nuclear powered airplane. The emergency plan for the NB-36 was to eject the reactor core by parachute, if there were any problems with the reactor. Paratroopers in a chase plane would then deploy with help from the local police in order to secure the reactor (Wolverton 55). The cone shaped UFO's can be explained as being ejected cores from experimental planes. Some of these parachutes had streamers on them in order determine their direction.
In 1953 Secretary of Defense Charles E Wilson described the nuclear plane "The atomic powered aircraft reminds me of a shitepoke, a great big bird that flies over marshes, the doesn't have too much body or speed to it or anything but can fly." What is interesting about this quote is that it presupposes that a flying nuclear plane is already flying. It is also notable that shitepokes are known for shitting while in flight. Wilson was making a simile between NB-36 that had been in the air since the mid-1940's to the shitepoke. The shit in this case is the nuclear reactor being ejected from the NB-36.
Bibliography - Sources
Wolverton, Mark. "Winged Atom". American History, February 2003, pp. 50-56.
In 1953 Secretary of Defense Charles E Wilson described the nuclear plane "The atomic powered aircraft reminds me of a shitepoke, a great big bird that flies over marshes, the doesn't have too much body or speed to it or anything but can fly." What is interesting about this quote is that it presupposes that a flying nuclear plane is already flying. It is also notable that shitepokes are known for shitting while in flight. Wilson was making a simile between NB-36 that had been in the air since the mid-1940's to the shitepoke. The shit in this case is the nuclear reactor being ejected from the NB-36.
Bibliography - Sources
Wolverton, Mark. "Winged Atom". American History, February 2003, pp. 50-56.
January 1948
Central and south-central Kentucky, near Ft. Knox and
other sites. About 1-3:50 and 4:45-7:06 p.m.(CST). Mantell case. At about 1:00
p.m., Kentucky State Police phoned USAF Godman Field Commanding Officer Col.
Guy F. Hix’s office reporting an unidentified object near Elizabethtown, Ky.,
(15 mi S of Godman). Another call to Godman’s CO came from State Police at
about 1:10 p.m. of observation by civilian in Madisonville (90 mi WSW of
Godman) through Finch telescope of coneshaped object, estimated 100 ft high by
43 ft wide, height 4 miles, speed 10 mph.
This was apparently the Skyhook balloon Flight B, 70 x
30 ft, height 15 miles, speed 27 mph, heading 150° about SE, which passed about
40 miles to SW-SSW of Madisonville at 12-1 p.m. thus was within visibility
range. Then still another call came from Lexington (80 mi E of Godman and far
beyond visibility of the Skyhook balloon), the first of about 35 calls received
by Hix’s office.
At 1:20 p.m. another report of [another UFO] a 250-300
ft unidentified “circular” object over Mansville [Maysville? 120 mi ENE of
Godman?], Ky., moving W at “a pretty good clip” [300 mph??],sighted by State
Police first radioed then phoned (at 1:30?) to Ft Knox Military Police and
Godman Field CO Col. Hix.
Between 1:20 and 2 p.m., Army Flight Service reported
to Godman Army Air Field Control Tower, Ft. Knox, Ky., (37°54’23” N, 85°58’00”
W, about 725 ft elevation) that the object was over Irvington (15 mi W of
Godman) then Owensboro (60 mi W of Godman), Ky. [possibly 130 mi from Maysville
to Irvington in 20-30 mins = 260-390 mph or roughly 300 mph].
Godman Tower operator Tech/Sgt Quentin A. Blackwell,
Capt James F. Duesler, Jr., base air inspector Lt Col. E. Garrison Wood, and
other USAF personnel sighted round white or silver or ice-cream cone-shaped UFO
with revolving red streamer, to the S from base [apparently the same object
hovering near Elizabethtown 15 mi S of Godman] beginning at 1:50 p.m.,
including many others such as Ops Ofcr Capt Cary W. Carter at 2:07 p.m.. onward
and Col. Hix beginning about 2:10 p.m.
Approaching flight of 4 F-51D fighters came from the
SSE, led by Kentucky ANG pilot Capt Thomas F. Mantell, Jr., who was overheard
by Godman Tower giving radio position report to their home base Standiford
Field, Louisville, Ky., at 2:50 p.m. Godman broke in over the radio to request
Mantell intercept and identify UFO at about 210° azimuth from Godman Tower
(soon corrected to 205°), “slightly lower” than the sun [at about 14°] as
reported by Mantell’s wingman [thus about 10-12° elevation, altitude about
15,000 ft].
UFO maintained constant angular position including
elevation angle as seen from Godman Tower as it apparently receded on azimuth
heading 205°, during most of Mantell’s pursuit, which required altitude of
50,000 to 60,000 ft to be reached at 60-70 miles distance at a recession
velocity of about 240 mph, increasing to 300 mph when Mantell approached, but
otherwise still maintaining constant position in the sky to Godman observers.
Flying at 300 mph and gradually climbing to about
22,000 to 23,000 ft, Mantell overtook the UFO from below, past Bowling Green
about 70-75 miles from Godman, at about 3:10 p.m. when in one of Mantell’s last
radio reports to Godman Tower he described UFO as “metallic and tremendous in
size.” Mantell went into war emergency (combat) maximum climb rate [2,000ft/min
at altitude] to reach UFO nearly overhead, but lost
April 1949
SE of Killeen Base/Site B [Nuclear Weapons National
Stockpile], Camp Hood, Texas (31°3’53” N, 97°49’40” W). 9:35 [9:25?] p.m.
Army security patrol, Lt. Howard Kitterman, PFC Leslie
Lockhart, Pvt. Clement DeAmicis, Pvt. Joseph P. Landry, 6th Tank Battalion,
sighted a 4-inch bright light with no glare, with a 3-4-inch metallic cone
trailing in the back, 600 ft away 6-7 ft above ground silently approaching from
azimuth 40° (about NE) in level flight at 60-70 mph heading directly towards
them on heading 220°, starting curving path, disappearing suddenly in the SW at
150 ft away.
At 9:37 p.m. the same witnesses saw a 2-inch white light
appear 100 ft away to the NNE flying in a zigzag in level flight about 6 ft
above ground, disappearing suddenly.
At 9:39 p.m. the same witnesses saw a 3rd light in the
WSW. (Sparks; BB Maxwell Microfilm Roll 5, p. 628; FOIA; Saunders/FUFOR Index;
Jan Aldrich)
April 1949
SE of Killeen Base/Site B [Nuclear Weapons National
Stockpile], Camp Hood, Texas (31° 3’53” N, 97°49’40” W). 8:30, 8:37, 8:40,
9:00, 9:10, 9:30 p.m. Several Army security patrols sighted a variety of strange
lights, mostly slow-moving changing color from white to red to green, one with
a red blinking light, one with a "cone-shaped affair" trailing in the
rear similar toone seen the day before. (Sparks; FOIA)
June 1952
Near Paulette, Mississippi (at 33° 2' N, 88°26' W).
8:26 p.m. USAF pilot Lt. Milo Roberts and bombardier Lt. Julius Prottengeier
with 308th Bomb Sq, 310th Bomb Wing, Forbes AFB, Kansas, flying a B-29 bomber
(s/n 44-62204) at 190 mph at 17,000 ft saw a cone-shaped object approach on
collision course from the 2 o'clock position, before evasive action object made
sharp left left and disappeared, followed by a 2nd object [?]. Object's
length/width ratio 3:1, about 8-10 ft long at 1,200- 1,500 ft away or 100 ft if
at 15 miles away. (Sparks; NARCAP; BB files??)
August 1952
Lathrop Wells, Nevada. 12:10 a.m. USAF Capt. D. A.
Woods saw a large spherical very bright object with a V-shaped contrail, a dark
cone in the center, approach at 1,000 mph, hover briefly, make an instant
90°-180° turn, then a gentle climb and final sudden acceleration leaving
blue-white contrail which evaporated immediately. No sound. (Sparks; Berliner; cf. Hynek-CUFOS
re-eval; Jan Aldrich)
August 1953
Saraland, Alabama (at 30°48' N, 88°4' W). Between 4:30
and 5:30 [6?] p.m. Woman named Hughes in her backyard looking to the NE saw a
highly polished spinning top or cone-shaped object reflecting the sun at low
altitude traveling from NW to SE. (Sparks; Hynek- CUFOS-Willy Smith files;
Saunders/FUFOR Index)
25, 1954.
Indian Lake, Ohio. 5:05 p.m. Experienced private pilot
John Mark, flying Navion lightplane, saw a 60 ft silver or aluminum round
object with a flat bottom, raised front edge, inverted cone on top, fly horizontally,
hover, make a high-g pull up and then a steep climb into an overcast. Radar at
Dayton, Ohio, airport, tracked very fast target at same location. (Sparks; Berliner)
July 1954.
About 3 miles SSE of Carysfort Reef Lighthouse, Key
Largo, Florida (at about 25°10' N, 80°12'W). 3:40 a.m. Key West Naval Base USN
Chief Quartermaster Milbert James Brown and Helmsman Seaman Sydney J. Martin
aboard USS YTB-543 sailing S on 205° true course at 6.5 knots saw a huge,
bright pale blue or whitish-blue egg or blimp-shaped 300-500 ft object with 4
pointed cones of light, major/minor axis about 3:1 oriented horizontally,
angular size 3x sun, traveling at tremendous speed estimated at about 7,200 mph
(better estimate about 5,000 mph) in level horizontal flight from the W through
S then E then NE, at 10°-12° above the horizon passing in front of mostly
cumulus clouds covering 30% up to 15° elevation. Brown first saw the object at
about 243° azimuth 10° elevation about 4 miles away moving to the left heading
E viewed across the bow of the ship to the SSW at which point he began
stopwatch timing (6.3 secs at disappearance, azimuths measured immediately
after sighting by reference to 5 ships and a landmark used as sighting fix
points). Object passed through point of closest approach at about 160°
azimuth12° elevation 1-1/2 miles away, moving to the left through a gradual-arc
flight path of about 8 miles radius of curvature (about 40 g's centripetal
acceleration), passed through E along a now straightened path headed to the NE,
reaching maximum N position at 70° azimuth about 8 miles away when it curved
slightly back as if veering off sharply to the right to head E, disappearing at
about 68° azimuth 10° elevation 9 miles away behind a cloud bank. No sound or
trail. (Sparks; Jan Aldrich)
November 1957
Montville, Ohio (41.62° N, 81.06° W). 11:30 [11:20]
p.m. (EST). Olden J. Moore, 28, a plasterer, while driving home suddenly saw an
object like a bright meteor split into two pieces, one going straight up, the other
getting larger while color changing from bright white to blue-green. Object
hovered 200 ft above a field close to ground, 500 ft away, with a soft whirring
sound. After 15 mins, Moore walked to the object, which was shaped like "a
covered dish" 50 ft in diameter, 15 ft high, with a cone on top about 10
ft high, surrounded by haze or fog, pulsating slowly. Holes, footprints and decaying radioactivity found
at the site by Civil Defense Director Kenneth Locke about 12 (?) hours later, a
maximum of 150 microoentgens/hour at the center of a 100-foot UFO hovering/landing
site area, decaying to 20 microR/hr 3 hours later, suggestive of an
approximately 1-hour radionuclide half-life. (Sparks; Vallée Magonia 433; Michel-Mebane
1958; BB files)
July 1959.
Jamaica & Bahamas. 8:06-8:15 p.m. (EST). Trans
Canada pilot Capt F. F. Beckett and First Officer J. Bosma at Ocho Rios,
Jamaica (at 18.4° N, 77.1° W), hotel manager (?) W. B. Street, and others at
Falconbridge Hotel, Ocho Rios, Jamaica, first spotted by Bosma and Street at
8:06 then called to Beckett’s attention at 8:07, when it was at about 5°
azimuth and 25°-30° elevation. Beckett’s drawing shows object’s flight path
dipping down to about 20° then rising up to disappear at about azimuth 30°-40°
elevation 25°-30°.
Oval translucent haze or shape appeared around central
object. Possibly object was Jupiter IRBM launched from Cape Canaveral at 8:01
p.m. EST. Beckett’s and other witnesses’ timing put sighting after Jupiter IRBM
rocket engines and nose cone separation would have shut down or ended at about
8:04 p.m. Jupiter missile would not have been visible through the vented
propellant cloud given the already extreme dimness.
Jupiter rocket body 45 ft
long would have barely been visible at ~620 to 700+ miles slant range distance (when
first seen mag. +3 to +5 depending on calculation but if obscured by the vent
cloud then totally invisible) and the separated 15 ft nose cone not at all
(mag. +5 or dimmer if not seen through vent cloud). Beckett estimated stellar magnitude
of object as “much brighter” than +2nd magnitude, comparable to a
planet, or to aircraft landing light at 20 miles (about mag. –1). (Sparks; BB
files; McDonald list; Ted Molczan; Printy)
July 1964.
Lake Chelan, Wash. 10:30 p.m. Former Navy pilot and another
man, at work in a field saw an intense light, cone-shaped, emitted from the
ground and a similar light in the sky, alternating which was on and off. A
round, aluminum-looking object, about 30 ft in diameter, with one red and one
white light, then appeared and descended to ground with a strong whistling
sound similar to a small jet, piercing and high-pitched voices similar to those
of children playing were heard. Before this object took off a low-flying jet
circled its position. The densely wooded area was explored by helicopter and on
foot 3-4 days later by Sheriff Nickell and a USAF officer, but nothing was
found. (Sparks; Vallée Magonia 619)
January 1966.
note] This is a likely sign of EMP.
3 miles SW of Georgetown (5 miles NE of Wilmer),
Alabama. 3:17 p.m. Civilian had to stop his car when he found object landed on
the road blocking his way. Round silver color object 10-12 [25?] ft diameter
with 8- 10-inch ring or hoop at equator, 5 ft hatch on bottom, [and a cone with
a flashing green light?] hovered about 5 ft above ground at 20 ft away,
gradually climbed to NE, engine [whirring?] noise increasing, then rapid acceleration
to disappearance in a few secs. Watch stopped [engine had died and now could be restarted?].
[Sulfur or rotten-egg smell noted?] (Sparks; Hynek UFO
Rpt p. 42; Vallée Magonia 721)
March 1966.
Dexter, Mich. 8-8:30 p.m. Frank Mannor and his son,
Ronald [plus 40-60 others including 12 policemen ?] saw hovering over a swamp
about 1,500 ft away a brown luminous car-sized object, with a "scaly"
or "waffled" [or “quilted”] surface, cone-shaped on top, flat on
bottom, or football-shaped, and 2 bluish-green lights on right and left edges
that turned bright red and helped illuminate object in between. Lights blinked
out and object reappeared instantly across the swamp 1,500 ft away. The whole
object lit up with a yellowish glow at one point and also rose up 500 ft then
descended again. After 2-3 mins of viewing, when 2 flashlights appeared in the
distance the object seemed to respond by flying away at high speed directly
over the witnesses with a whistling sound like a rifle bullet ricocheting.
Object remained in the swamp area for 1/2 hr. [Various other sightings in the area
by police shortly afterward.] (Sparks; Vallée Magonia 731; Todd Lemire; etc.)
April 1966.
Alto, Tenn. 11:55 p.m. W. Smith and another stopped to
watch an object hovering about 15 ft above a swamp, tried to follow it but it
flew away. Object 100 ft long oval with a dark top, appearing cone-shaped when
moving, making a high-frequency noise, and flying between a high-tension power
line and a row of trees. Animal reactions wherever the object flew over.
(Sparks; Berliner; cf. Vallée Magonia 753)
April 1966.
Portage County, Ohio, bet. Atwater and Randolph, Ohio,
to Pittsburgh, Penna. 5-6:10 a.m. (EST). E of Akron Deputy Sheriff Dale F.
Spaur and associate Wilbur Neff saw a 30-45 ft metallic object approach over the
treetops from the woods, bathing the witnesses and the whole area in light
while making a transformer-like hum, then headed E and they gave chase in the
patrol car at speeds up to 105 mph for 85 miles. Officer Wayne Huston about 35
miles to the ESE saw the object he described as ice cream cone-shaped, point
downwards, approach from the W and pass overhead at about 800-900 ft height
with Spaur and Neff in pursuit to the SE and he joined them near Unity, Ohio,
with the object about 1/2 to 3/4 mile ahead of them, reaching the Penna. state
line at 5:35. They lost sight of object at Brady Run Park regained it in Bridgeport,
Penna. At about this time officers Lonnie Johnson and Ray Esterly in Salem,
Ohio, saw 3 jet fighters [two F-102’s] attempting to intercept a bright object
at about 10,000-20,000 ft about 25° elevation to the E for about 2 mins. In
Conway, Penna., at 6 a.m. they met with officer Frank Panzarella who had been
watching the object for 10 mins to the E or SE which he described as 25-35 ft half-football-shaped
object at about 1,000 ft height (or 1,500-2,000 ft according to the others),
when it stopped in the NE towards Harmony, Penna, then rose. They watched as
the object climbed to about 3,500 ft to the left of andlevel with the quarter
moon in the ESE (which was at about azimuth 116° elevation 14° aand 11%
illuminated at 6:00 a.m.) and Venus (at 122° azimuth 22° elevation) and it
passed near a 707 airliner taking off from Pittsburgh Airport and disappeared
shooting up vertically at about 6:10. (Sparks; Hynek UFO Exp ch. 8; NICAP)
April 1967
Green Lake, Wisc. 10 p.m. 4 boys with binoculars saw a
cone-shaped object with a blue underside, and a top that changed from red to
orange to white, come lower with oscillating motions, illuminating the woods
1/2 mile away. (Sparks; Vallée Magonia 838)
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Stever, H. G. Minutes of Meeting Held May 12 and13, 1948 Between Representatives of NEPA and Project Lexington and AEC.. United States: N. p., 1948. Web.
Document from 12-13 May 1948 Lexington Project Meeting Minutes
The timeline shows that work on the direct nuclear turbojet was completed/perfected in 1951. It produced the Canberra. Next thing work began on the indirect system. It produced the U-2 in 1956. This is when development of the nuclear ramjet and rocket began. In other words this document shows that the nuclear turbojet in both it's direct and indirect forms must have had been perfected by 1956.
We know from the 25 November 1949 UFO sighting over Mt. Palomar that a nuclear plane was being flight tested in Southern California. Probably a sighting of the NB-36. By 1951 the Canberra was modified to fly above 70,000 feet and run on nuclear power. In 1952 it was overflying the Soviet Union. In 1956 the nuclear U-2 was deployed. 1956 is when the development of the nuclear ramjet began under Project PLUTO. In 1959 the experiments on the Nuclear Rocket began under Project ROVER.
We know from the 1949 LA Times article that they were already looking at high altitude planes for the NEPA program.
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