I think the fact that Trump & fascists are threatening civil war shows he is an agent of a foreign power. A US civil war will open up the Americas to foreign military adventurism. The French moved into Mexico during the last Civil War. This time it could be China or Russia.Americans will be too busy fighting each other to do anything about it. This might even open up the US South West, under a foreign nuclear umbrella to an armed Mexican "reconquista" insurgency in the lands lost during the Mexican American War. America is vulnerable to divide and conquer.
The American Ruling Class loves to use divide and conquer all over the globe. The tables could be turned, when the Civil War plutocrat rhetoric becomes reality. Fear of US interventionism in Latin America could lead a foreign power to creating a Latin American analog to NATO. The US used the fear of RU/Soviet invasion to create NATO. The same fear of US invasion can be used to create a Latin American NATO. If there is a Civil War in the USA, it will open up the Western Hemisphere to foreign military's moving into it. American plutocrat politics has become so self destructive. It might lead to unimaginable chaos for their overall global position.