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I think like Daniel Ellsberg that Scott Ritter is a deep cover spook. He works for the energy companies who want to pillage Russia. I conjecture that during the build up to the Second Invasion of Iraq he was sent in to confirm that Iraq had no WMD. This way the military knew the coast was clear before invading. He was then ordered to pretend to be antiwar and lead protests as a cover.
More recently I think that Ritter sheep dipped himself last year on the radio Sputnik program hosted by Garland Nixon (probably another spook). When he claimed to support Russia's War in Ukraine.
The CIA is using an old tool for the days of the Vietnam War to build credibility. That tool is the "enemies" list. Daniel Ellsberg was on Nixon's enemies list. That gave him credibility for the operation he was running to coopt the antiwar movement. Ritter is on a the Ukrainian list. He claims that he is under threat. It's pure hokum. No one is going to harm him. His being a spook precludes any of that. It's psychological manipulation designed to bolster Ritter's credibility. They want people to think he's telling the truth because his life is under threat.
In the 1960s the USA actually had a legitimate antiwar movement. This movement was targeted domestically by military spies who penetrated the movement. We know this from the Church Committee Hearings. I think Ellsberg was running an operation to take the sting out of or building on the 08 March 1971 burglary into the FBI Offices in Media Pennsylvania. This burglary released the COINTELPRO papers and led to the removal of J Edgar Hoover from office.
Today the movement has been completely taken over by spooks. It is completely illegitimate. There are no real leaders. The leaders you do see are "former" spooks. Taking over the movement falls into the US Ruling Class strategy of full spectrum dominance.
I conjecture Ritter is building his cover so he can negotiate a Russian surrender during his planned book tour in Russia. He will be a back channel diplomat who will threaten Russia with nuclear annihilation, if they don't agree to get back into START. The treaty limiting Russia's nuclear weapons. This treaty has prevented them from developing their own Project PLUTO.