Monday, 28 February 2022


The CIA Left Ray McGovern, Chris Hedges, Paul Jay et al messaging on NATO expansion and the Ukrainian War frames the cause of the Ukrainian crisis as economic not political. They want people to think it is all about the US Military Industrial Complex expanding into the Eastern European market. When the reality is the USA wants to conquer Russia and partition it out of existence. NATO expansion is an existential crisis for Russia. But the war is also existential for the USA. China is superseding the USA with its Belt and Road Initiative. Its overland railroad and highway infrastructure largely nullifies the influence of American sea power. The noted Professor Alfred McCoy says in ten years the Chinese economy with currently three times the industrial base, will be at least 1.5 times larger than America's. And they will no longer need the US market. China with the world’s largest ship manufacturing industry is also building their Navy. In the span of a year, they have nearly finished their first super carrier and are beginning construction on their first nuclear powered carrier. The Chinese navy will rival America’s navy. So, if the US Ruling Class wants to remain the World Hegemon, they have to roll the dice on WW3 and come out on top.