- The United States and Russia have been running covert operations against one another for decades.
- Trump is payback for Gorbachev and Yeltsin. In the 1980's and 90's the US puppeted the USSR/Russia. Their agent Gorbachev ran the country into the ground destroying it. Gorbachev was recruited as a child by the Nazi's. He worked for them cooking their food and stole chickens from his neighbors giving them to the Nazis. Gorbachev was part of Reinhard Gehlen's Org. It is common for Special Forces to recruit children [10]. Yeltsin was also an American agent [8].
- Donald Trump laundered money for terrorists and drug dealers for decades [4].
- Trump is an agent of Russia. He has taken hundreds of millions of dollars in loans from Russian oligarchs which compromises him. He is under their control.
- Trump on Putin's orders lowered America's defenses against biowarfare attack.
- He fired Rear Admiral Timothy Ziemer the man in charge of defending America against a biological attack [1]
- He removed the Americans stationed in China so they can stop a pandemic in China preventing it from coming into the United States [2].
- Trump ignored the warnings in November 2019 from the National Center for Medical Intelligence (NCMI). He could have intervened at this point and prevented the pandemic [3].
- The release of the pathogen was perfectly timed to coincide with Turchin's predicted decade of American civil unrest [6]
- There are a minority of scientists who believe that Covid-19 was man made [7]
- Trump owes 421 Million dollars to the Russian Mafia [12]. [13]. He has overstated the value of the collateral backing his loans [14].
- Trump refuses to model proper sanitation practices and holds superspreader events. These actions help to spread the disease.
- He did not follow Obama's Pandemic Handbook
- If the 26 January 2020 crash of Kobe Bryant's helicopter was an assassination via the compromised avionics. Then it might have been done to pressure Trump to sabotage America's response because he owns the same helicopter. The crash occurred 7 days after the first reported covid case 19 January 2020. In other words Kobe was killed as a warning to Trump extorting him to interfere with America's Covid response. Trump is now selling his Sikorsky S-76, a potential sign he knows the avionics are compromised [15].
- Trump lowered the nation's defenses knowing that a bioweapon could be released cloaked as a natural outbreak [16], knowing that when Putin came into power in 2012 he outlined 28 objectives one of which was to develop 3rd generation bioweapons, knowing that Putin declared that a biowar was coming in November of 2017. In spite of all of that in 2018 Trump fired Admiral Ziemer.
Trump's October Surprise Started In November 2019 he wants to turn America into a hereditary dictatorship. He is using the crisis he created to make himself dictator and plans to hand down the presidency to his children.
12. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/518808-former-intelligence-officials-worry-trump-debt-is-counterintelligence
13. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2020/09/29/are-donald-trumps-personal-debts-national-security-threat/
14. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-inflated-his-total-assets-when-it-served-his-purposes-cohen-alleges-in-his-hearing-citing-financial-documents/2019/02/27/4c41d4e2-3ab3-11e9-a2cd-307b06d0257b_story.html
15. PRAVDA reports that Trump is selling his Sikorsky S-76B helicopter.
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