Monday, 27 July 2020


“I don’t want to sound melodramatic,” says Cohen, who worked on the Manhattan Project to build the atom bomb in the 1940s and was a nuclear weapons adviser to the US government with the Rand Corporation for 20 years. “But red mercury is real and it is terrifying. I think it is part of a terrorist weapon that potentially spells the end of organised society.” He claims that it could be used to make a baseball-sized neutron bomb capable of killing everyone within about 600 metres of the explosion.

This quote from Sam Cohen has two possible interpretations that hinge on the meaning of these quotes, "end of organized society" and "killing everyone within about 600 metres of the explosion." The first quote is self explanatory. Examining the last quote, does this mean fireball radius or does it mean radiation radius? If it means radiation radius, then the power of our baseball sized nuclear weapon is a quarter of a kiloton or the equivalent of 250 metric tons of TNT. But, there would be survivors in this radius. So, it does not fit the "kill everybody" criteria. 

If it means fireball radius, then the baseball sized nuclear weapon has a 155 kiloton yield. This upper bound yield interpretation is more in line with Cohen's assertion that the baseball sized nuclear weapon could "end organised society," and it would kill everybody in its 600 meter radius. An examination of a implosion fission device analogous to a baseball's cross-section is inline with the conclusion of the upper bound estimate. The "red mercury" in this case is used to drive an implosion of fissile material. It is not driving a fusion reaction.

The baseball (7.6cm diameter) size of the weapon is beneath the detectable threshold of NORAD. In 1985 NORAD reportedly was tracking everything the size of a grapefruit (10 to 15 cm diameter) [1].  Depending on the needed heat shielding for a warhead this would frustrate America's SDI system, making interception in boost phase the priority. 


  • 1 Kilowatt Hour (KWH) of energy is produced by 0.78 Kg of TNT
  • 1 Megawatt Day (MWD) = 24,000 kWh.
  • Fission of 1.11 g U-235: 1 megawatt-day (thermal)
  • The fission of 1.11 g U-235 equals 18.720kt of TNT. 
  • 1cc of plutonium weighs 19.86 grams. There is approximately 335kt of explosive power in a CC of plutonium.
  • The pill of a baseball consists of a sphere, measuring 13/16 of an inch (2.06 centimeters) in diameter
  • The volume of a baseball’s pill is V≈4.58cm. Assuming 100% efficiency, a plutonium pill, this size would have 1.5 Megatons of explosive power. 
  • Assuming a 10% efficiency rating our baseball sized red mercury bomb would have a yield of 153kt. 
  • This is in keeping with our upper bound assumption of a surface burst nuclear weapon with a 153kt yield and a 600 meter fireball radius. 
  • Coincidently 150Kt is the estimate that Heinz Pommer came up with in his book THE GROUND ZERO MODEL
  • Pommer, H. (2020). The Ground Zero Model (1st ed., p. 78). Jeff Prager.


The simultaneous ignition of eight 153-kt baseball sized nuclear weapons would have a yield approaching 8 megatons. A bomb with a 40% fission efficiency is not out of the question. It would give our simultaneous airburst a 32 megaton yield. The small size of the warhead means it can be placed on a MANPADS, RPG or drone. 




1. Fisher, James. "NASA FEARS FUTURE FLIGHTS COULD DROWN IN A SEA OF ORBITING JUNK". Chicagotribune.Com, 1985, Accessed 8 Aug 2020.

Useful Tables

Nuclear Weapons Frequently Asked Questions
Version 2.03: 17 May 2006

This material may be excerpted, quoted, or distributed freely provided that attribution to the author (Carey Sublette), the document name (Nuclear Weapons Frequently Asked Questions) and this copyright notice is clearly preserved, and the URL of this website is included:

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12.0 Useful Tables
Unit              Equivalent To
1 kt              10^12 calories
                  4.19x10^12 joules
                  4.19x10^19 ergs
                  2.62x10^31 eV
                  2.62x10^25 MeV
                  fission of 0.241 moles of material (1.45x10^23 nuclei)
                  fission of approx. 57 g of material
                  1.16x10^6 kilowatt-hrs
                  3.97x10^9 BTU
1 eV              1.602177 x 10^-12 erg
                  11606 degree K
1 Bar             10^5 pascals (nt/m^2)
                  10^6 dyne/cm^2
                  0.98687 atmospheres
                  14.5038 PSI
1 calorie         4.1868 J

Convenient Energy Content Approximations
Fission of U-233:  17.8 kt/kg
Fission of U-235:  17.6 kt/kg
Fission of Pu-239: 17.3 kt/kg
Fusion of pure deuterium: 82.2 kt/kg
Fusion of tritium and deuterium (50/50): 80.4 kt/kg
Fusion of lithium-6 deuteride: 64.0 kt/kg
Fusion of lithium-7 deuteride
Total conversion of matter to energy: 21.47 Mt/kg
Fission of 1.11 g U-235: 1 megawatt-day (thermal)

Quantity Measured           Unit      Symbol  Formula
Microscopic Cross Section   Barn       b      10^-24 cm^2
Radioactivity               Becquerel  Bq     1 decay/sec
                            Curie      Ci     3.7x10^10 decay/sec
Absorbed Radiation Dose     Gray       Gy     1 J/Kg
                            Rad        None   100 erg/g (.01 J/Kg)
Biological Equivalent Dose  Sievert    Sv     Grays*Q
                            Rem        None   Rads*RBE
Absorbed Gamma/X-Ray Dose   Roentgen   R      94 erg/g
Immediate Explosive Energy  Kiloton    kt     10^12 calories
Radiation Biological Effect None       RBE
Radiation Quality Factor    None       Q
Pressure                    Bar        None   10^5 pascals (nt/m^2)

[All constants are exact to the precision given]
Quantity                    Symbol    Value            Unit
Speed of Light in Vacuum      c     2.99792458 x 10^10 cm/sec
Planck Constant               h     6.62608 x 10^-27   erg-sec
Avogadro Constant            N_A    6.02214 x 10^23    atom/mole
Molar Gas Constant            R     8.3145 x 10^7      erg/(mole K)
Boltzmann Constant            k     1.3806 x 10^-16    erg/K
Stefan-Boltzmann Constant   sigma   5.670 x 10^-5      erg/cm^2 K^4 sec
Perfect Gas Standard Volume  V_0    2.2414 x 10^5      cm^3
Atomic Mass Constant         m_0    1.66054 x 10^-24   g
                             m_0    9.31494 x 10^8     eV

Saturday, 25 July 2020

US Just Unveiled Its Blueprint For a "Virtually Unhackable" Quantum Internet

US Just Unveiled Its Blueprint For a "Virtually Unhackable" Quantum Internet
AFP25 JULY 2020
US officials and scientists have begun laying the groundwork for a more secure "virtually unhackable" internet based on quantum computing technology.

At a presentation Thursday, Department of Energy (DOE) officials issued a report that lays out a blueprint strategy for the development of a national quantum internet, using laws of quantum mechanics to transmit information more securely than on existing networks.

The agency is working with universities and industry researchers on the engineering for the initiative with the aim of creating a prototype within a decade.​

In February, scientists from DOE's Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Chicago created a 52-mile (83-kilometer) "quantum loop" in the Chicago suburbs, establishing one of the longest land-based quantum networks in the nation.

The aim is to create a parallel, more secure network based on quantum "entanglement," or the transmission of sub-atomic particles.

"One of the hallmarks of quantum transmissions is that they are exceedingly difficult to eavesdrop on as information passes between locations," according to the Energy Department statement.

"Scientists plan to use that trait to make virtually unhackable networks."​

The department said early adopters could include the banking and health services sectors, adding that there would be applications for national security and aircraft communications.​

"Eventually, the use of quantum networking technology in mobile phones could have broad impacts on the lives of individuals around the world," the statement added.

The agency's 17 national laboratories will serve as the backbone of the coming quantum internet, which has initial government funding.

"The foundation of quantum networks rests on our ability to precisely synthesize and manipulate matter at the atomic scale, including the control of single photons," said David Awschalom, a professor at the University of Chicago and senior scientist at Argonne National Laboratory.

© Agence France-Presse

US Has Accused Russia of Firing an Anti-Satellite Weapon in Space

US Has Accused Russia of Firing an Anti-Satellite Weapon in Space
AFP24 JULY 2020
The United States accused Russia on Thursday of test-firing an anti-satellite weapon in space, warning that the threat against Washington's systems was "real, serious and increasing."

US Space Command "has evidence" that Moscow "conducted a non-destructive test of a space-based anti-satellite weapon" on July 15, it said in a statement.

"Last week's test is another example that the threats to US and Allied space systems are real, serious and increasing," the statement continued.

"Clearly this is unacceptable," tweeted US nuclear disarmament negotiator Marshall Billingslea, adding that it would be a "major issue" discussed next week in Vienna, where he is in talks on a successor to the New START treaty.

The treaty caps the nuclear warheads of the US and Russia - the two Cold War-era superpowers.

On Thursday, President Donald Trump told his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin that he hopes to avoid an "expensive" arms race with Russia and China.

The system used to conduct last week's test is the same one that Space Command raised concerns about earlier this year, when it manoeuvred near a US government satellite, said General Jay Raymond, head of US Space Command.

"This is further evidence of Russia's continuing efforts to develop and test space-based systems, and consistent with the Kremlin's published military doctrine to employ weapons that hold US and allied space assets at risk," Raymond said in a statement.

It is the latest example of Russian satellites behaving in a manner "inconsistent with their stated mission," the Space Command statement added.

"This event highlights Russia's hypocritical advocacy of outer space arms control," said Christopher Ford, a US assistant secretary of state for arms control.

The statement also came as China launched a rover to Mars on Thursday, a journey coinciding with a similar US mission as the powers take their rivalry into deep space.

© Agence France-Presse

Wednesday, 15 July 2020


On 12 December 2019 Russia's only aircraft carrier  Admiral Kuznetsov was destroyed by fire in drydock while being retrofitted. On 12 July 2020 one of America's smaller aircraft carriers the USS Bonhomme Richard was destroyed in a fire. The odds of this happening are 900 to 1. The USS Bonhomme Richard and the Admiral Kuznetsov are nearly equal in their displacements. There is a pattern of back and forth between the Russian and US Navies. On August 12th 2000 the USS Memphis and USS Toledo destroyed the Russian submarine Kursk. On October 12th, 2000 the USS Cole was bombed. Well you have to admire the symmetry of it all. Let's hope and pray this does not escalate out of control. Things often can when military men humiliate each other.