Monday, 25 May 2020


Spring 2001: President Tells White House Staffer to Fix Problem with Phone System, but Staffer Will Not Have Done So by September 11Edit event  
President Bush, after having trouble making a telephone call, instructs Joseph Hagin, the White House deputy chief of staff for operations, to fix the problem and ensure that he is able to make calls at any time, but the issue will not have resolved by September 11, when Bush experiences significant communication problems. While he is being driven through Washington, DC, in his limousine, Bush tries to make a phone call but is unable to get a signal and hears only static. When he arrives at the White House, he calls Hagin over to discuss the problem. [NATIONAL JOURNAL, 4/11/2011] Hagin is a little known but influential member of the White House staff who, according to Politico, “manages everything around the president and the presidency except politics and policy.” [POLITICO, 7/3/2008; WASHINGTON POST, 7/4/2008] Bush tells him the president should be able to call anyone at any time. “He essentially said to me, ‘We need to fix this and fix it quickly,’” Hagin will later recall. Bush adds, “What would we do if something really serious happened and this didn’t work?” [NATIONAL JOURNAL, 4/11/2011] Presumably as part of Hagin’s effort to resolve the problem, in the spring of 2001, the White House commissions the Department of Defense to study a communications upgrade. [ABC NEWS, 12/20/2006] However, Hagin’s task will not have been completed by September 11. On that day, Bush and other senior government officials will experience serious communication problems (see (After 8:55 a.m.) September 11, 2001; (9:04 a.m.-9:45 a.m.) September 11, 2001; and (9:34 a.m.-9:43 a.m.) September 11, 2001). [NATIONAL JOURNAL, 4/11/2011] But the 9/11 attacks, according to the Associated Press, “spurred on the effort to modernize White House communications.” Hagin subsequently “took the White House’s cell phone technology digital, upgraded the systems in the president’s cars, and moved staffers to the BlackBerry wireless communicator, while not freeing them from carrying pagers as well.” [ASSOCIATED PRESS, 8/22/2003] According to Thomas Kean, the chairman of the 9/11 Commission, “[T]he fix to the presidential communications was one of the first things that was done after 9/11.” [9/11 COMMISSION, 6/17/2004]

Entity Tags: George W. Bush, Thomas Kean, Joseph W. Hagin, US Department of Defense, White House

Timeline Tags: Complete 911 Timeline, 9/11 Timeline

Holloway's Commentary:

The Spring 2001 incident shows that the Russians were testing out their ability to jam the communications of the POTUS. This then leads back to AMDOCS. They not only had the ability to monitor phone calls they had access to switches at the trunk. They get penetrated by Russian immigrants to Israel. Russia now has the ability to electronically jam America's telephone communications by exploiting the federal government's wiretap system. The secure phones use the same lines and switches as the unsecure telephone lines only they are encrypted on both ends. So, after 911 the Bush Administration leans hard on Israel, arrests 200 of their agents, then cranks up the Wurlitzer on FOX News to really drive it home. The stories falsely imply among other things that the Israelis had prior knowledge of 911 and failed to share it. After the four episode run the AMDOCS story goes cold. Then the whole company is quietly re-headquartered from Ra'Anana Israel to the American heartland Chesterfield, Missouri. I suspect the Blackberry story is disinformation to make people think the President had not been electronically decapitated. 

Thursday, 21 May 2020


  1. The Walker Spy Ring which gave information on the US military's secret base in the middle of the Indian Ocean - DIEGO GARCIA (the AREA-51 in the sea) and the US Navy's communications systems to the Soviets. If Air Force One cannot communicate with the subs then there was no ability to respond. Or the retaliatory strike would have had to come from GUARDIAN APOLLO i.e. the hidden leg of America's nuclear tetrad. 
  2. Lunev's admission that the Soviets targeted the telephone switches. 
  3. The AMDOCS case. The company kept records on who calls who i.e. the metadata. The company was based in Israel at the time and was probably targeted by GRU to gather the metadata. The Israeli-Russian connection might also explain the stories of Israelis jumping for joy when the towers fell. 
  4. The admission by Air Force One's communications officer that they used regular telephone lines. 


Monday, 11 May 2020





Skeptics claim that the virus could not be man-made because there is not enough computing power to engineer a S protein that matches the ACE-2 receptor in the manner that SARS-CoV-2 does. They argue in order to engineer the virus one would have to run millions or billions of computer trials on a protein folding computer program similar to 'folding@home,' taking decades of computing time. Therefore by reductio ad absurdum , it is impossible for SARS-CoV-2 to have been designed. 


This is where distributed computing [1] and cryptocurrency malware [2] [3] that turns computers into zombie miners may have come into play. It would create a massive distributed computer capable of doing the computation and would send back the encrypted results to the lab. If SARS-CoV-2 was designed, the computing power came from malware that installed a 'folding@home' like application, hijacking people's computers desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones. I think that Bill Gates was made aware of the fact that malware was infecting computers with a 'folding@home' app disguised to look like a bitcoin miner some months before he gave his 2015 TED talk. 


Microsoft and the NSA have been working together for a long time. Microsoft is an asset of the NSA. In the late 1990's an NSA backdoor was found inside Windows 95, when hackers decompiled the program [4]. This claim was investigated by the European Parliament [5 (page 126)]. The European Parliament basically covered it up, saying the allegation could not be assessed because Microsoft had not released it's source code. The revelations did put pressure on Gates to reveal Windows source code to Russia in 2003 [6]. Sixteen years later the Russian military moved to replace Windows with Astra Linux [7]. Which greatly reduced America's ability to spy on the Russian military. 


Bill Gates did not conspire to make this virus. He saw this coming because Microsoft plays a big role in Signals Intelligence (SIGINT). This kind of spying gathers electronic communications to figure out what people are doing. It listens to radio and cable communications. By 2015 the SIGINT showed that there was a virus coming. 06 March 2018 during a 24 hour period at least 400,000 Russian computers running Windows OS were infected with a cryptocurrency mining malware [3]. This was over ten times or an order of magnitude greater than the amount of computers normally running 'folding@home' prior to 2020 [8]. Windows Defender blocked 80,000 attempts by this trojan. By 2019 Gates had figured out the virus they were working on was a coronavirus, the properties of how the disease would spread and the symptoms. 

Then using all the information gathered, on 18 October 2019 Bill Gates and the John Hopkins Center for Health Security held a pandemic simulation in New York City called "Event 201 [8]." (The event was held in parallel to the 2019 World Military Games in Wuhan [11].  Chinese media sources claim that five American participants came down sick with the virus [12].) The Event 201 "germs game" and the work of his foundation in Africa was then used by some to make Bill Gates into a genocidal monster. What is more likely is he baited the "conspiracy theorists" into believing he was behind the virus to take people off the trail that leads to Russia. 

This is the same 'inside job' gambit [note 2] used by the ruling class to muddy the waters of the Oklahoma City Bombing and the September 1th "terrorist" attacks. It means we take the hit in the hopes of not escalating to a full nuclear exchange. If everything laid out in this article is the case, then Bill's actions are on some level heroic. Even billionaires who sit on a hoard of money can do a good thing every now and then. 

The question is will these ruling class moves be enough? I don't see any moves to reinvigorate the United Nations and the American Oligarchs are still pushing on with Space Force. So, I am not optimistic. Trying to conquer Russia is a bad idea. Just ask Napoleon and Hitler how that turned out. Gates and the other oligarchs have a bunker to hide inside [10]. So, it is doubtful that the oligarchs care. Again, if they did, they would be using the institutions we have to foster world peace. They would be using the United Nations. 


1. "Distributed Computing". En.Wikipedia.Org, 2020,

2. McMillan, Robert et al. "Trojan Turns Your PC Into Bitcoin Mining Slave". WIRED, 2020,

3. "Hackers Target 400,000 Computers With Mining Malware | Security Bitcoin News". Bitcoin News, 2020,

4. Campbell, Duncan. "How NSA Access Was Built Into Windows". Heise Online, 2020,

6. Thurrott, Paul. "Russia First Country To View Windows Source Code". IT Pro, 2020,

7. Nield, David. "People Running Folding@Home Accidentally Created The World's Biggest Supercomputer". Sciencealert, 2020,

8. designer, JHCHS. "Event 201, A Pandemic Exercise To Illustrate Preparedness Efforts". Even 201, 2020,

9. Cimpanu, Catalin. "Russian Military Moves Closer To Replacing Windows With Astra Linux | Zdnet". Zdnet, 2020,

10. Staff, Off. "Bill Gates & America’S Millionaires Are Building Underground Survival Bunkers – ‘The Future Is Going To Be Rough’ - Off The Grid News". Off The Grid News, 2020,

11. "2019 Military World Games". En.Wikipedia.Org, 2020,

 Accessed 13 May 2020.

13. Palmer, Danny. "Android Malware: Millions Fall Victim To Drive-By Cryptocurrency Miner | Zdnet". Zdnet, 2020,

14. Trafton, Anne. "Storing Medical Information Below The Skin’S Surface". MIT News, 2020,



1. Assuming the 60 million androids had on average the computing power of the six-year-old, at the 2018 time of the publishing of the article, Samsung S2, then the distributed network had 5.76e+16 or nearly 60 petaflops of computing power. This is more than double the power of the Titan, Cray® XK7™ of 27 petaflops. If they targeted phones in the GFLOP range of the Snapdragon 835 processor, then the 60 million smartphone distributed computer had 3.402e+19‬ flops or 34 exaFLOPS of computing power and over 14 times the computing power of the ‘folding@home’ distributed computer deemed to be the largest supercomputer in the world by Science Alert’s David Nield. This would be four orders of magnitude more computing power than the Titan, Cray® XK7™! [13]

2. The - inside job gambit - is a Hitlerian big lie. It is designed to make Americans think we did it to ourselves. The attack was American on American violence. Timothy McVeigh bombed the Murrah Building. George Bush knocked down the WTC towers. Bill Gates is a genocidal monster, killing people with vaccines and lab made viruses. He created SARS-CoV-2, So he can chip you and control you.   

Saturday, 2 May 2020


Aftermath of attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon CBS News Transcripts September 11, 2001 Tuesday

RATHER: We have with us at our CBS News world headquarters news desk and anchor desk in New York, Gary Sick, currently director of Middle--the Middle East Institute at world famous Columbia University here in New York, former national security council member under Presidents Ford, Reagan and Carter. Thanks for being with us, Mr. Sick.
Mr. GARY SICK (Terrorism Expert): Pleasure.
RATHER: What type of planning went into this attack?
Mr. SICK: I think this is really a key issue because the--if you simply stop and think about the magnitude of this operation, they were able to penetrate security in two major airports; get people on board, provide their own pilots because they obviously had their own pilots to do...
RATHER: Suicide pilots.
Mr. SICK: Suicide pilots, but pilots who were qualified to fly a major airplane, and I personally watched the second plane go into the trade towers and there was no flinching and no swerving; he flew right straight into it. And it was clear that no American pilot--no commercial pilot would ever have done that. And you stop and think about the amount of time--back it up--how much time was--would have been required and the money and the organization. Let's put it this way: What if you're the president in the Cold War days, and you tell the CIA that you'd like to create a little operation in Russia, which would basically hijack four airplanes, and within a period of an hour, crash them into major sites in the Soviet Union, and you had to organize that. It would have stretched our capabilities absolutely to the limit. And yet that's what happened here today.
RATHER: Reporters are always trained to follow the dollar, look for the money. Who finances an operation like this? Took a lot of money.
Mr. SICK: It took money and it took professionalism. I personally think that this had to have had a professional organization behind it. If you look at the kind of operations that Osama bin Laden and others have conducted in the past, the most sophisticated stuff they've been able to manage is a car bomb. And car bombs are dangerous and they're deadly, but they aren't like what we saw today. And this business of organizing--they had to recruit in the United States--they had to have Americans. They had to have some way of passing through the security in this country. That meant money, but it meant tremendous organization. And the fact that all of this, if you stop and think about it, it's amazing, went unreported--unnoticed by any of our systems which were watching all of these specific organizations--raises the question, were we looking in the right place?
RATHER: Well, let's pursue that question? Whom do you think may be responsible for this?
Mr. SICK: You know, I really don't want to speculate because I think--at this stage, it's a pure guess.
RATHER: But...
Mr. SICK:Everybody is speculating about Osama bin Laden, maybe so. But if so, he has moved his operations to a level that--this is the most--the largest and most successful terrorist operation in history. And he was simply not up to that. He had a bomb in a boat and he had some car bombs outside embassies.
RATHER: This is far beyond that ...(unintelligible).
Mr. SICK: This is something of an--and it's in this country.
RATHER: Well, let me ask you about...
Mr. SICK: We're not talking about East Africa.
RATHER: I know you don't want to speculate, and neither do I, but it's inevitable...
Mr. SICK: I know.
RATHER: ...these questions flow on--that if it was or was not Osama bin Laden, you said it was well financed, it was exceptionally well planned...
Mr. SICK: Right.
RATHER: ...a very sophisticated and large operation. If you--if the president asked you what are the chances, Gary Sick, that Saddam Hussein or s--one of the radical Molla groups in Iran were responsible, would you rule it out?
Mr. SICK: Saddam Hussein, today, said that this was the operation of the century, and there was great celebrations in Baghdad, not in Iran. But you know, if you had to look for a culprit, in terms of organization, structure, money, professionalism--all of the things that go with it, that's one place that you would certainly have to look. And I think that our intelligence services are going to have do a really careful--step back from the--where they've been looking and start looking under some different rocks because I think there's some things going on that we haven't really observed.
RATHER: We have only a few seconds left here, but we spend billions of dollars on intelligence. Does this or any other president have the will to zero base our to--our whole intelligence operations?
Mr. SICK: No, but--intelligence works when you're looking in the right place. And I've seen it--the Israelis in 1973 and elsewhere, had the information, but they didn't know what to do with it. They were looking in the wrong way, and they thought they knew what was going on, and they interpreted it wrongly. I think that we need to step back from it and take a hard look at our interpretation of the information that we've probably already gotten.
RATHER: Gary Sick, thank you very much.
Mr. SICK: Indeed.

If the terrorist attacks of 911 would have pushed the CIA's abilities to the limits, then it was not Bin Laden. I think Gary was being disingenuous when he claimed that Iraq may have been responsible. Iraq had been destroyed by decades of war and sanctions had killed millions of their people. They were a shell of a country. The US National Security State probably already had plans to invade every former Soviet client state in the region. Because that is what happened more or less in the aftermath of 911. Sick was priming the American people for the coming invasion of Iraq.

Sick mentions Russia. He must have known it was them. This was sweet revenge on the part of Russia. The US had been running clandestine operations in the Caucasus Region of Russia, Chechnya using Afghan-Arabs i.e. Bin Laden's "Al Qaeda" with the intention further Balkanizing Russia. They wanted to break Russia in half. Chechen terrorists were masters of hijackings, buses, trucks, trains, helicopters and planes. They had tried to assassinate President Putin on numerous occasions. The 911 "hijackings" turned the tables on America. But, there were no human hijackers on those planes. This explains how they got through the security. It explains the precision attack on the Naval Operations Center and Defense Intelligence Agency offices at the Pentagon. It explains the threat on Air Force One that "Angel was next." It explains why Norman Mineta ordered the grounding of all US airliners. It explains why Bush lands at Offutt AFB. Which was essentially checkmate. America's doomsday plan had been countered. 

The humiliation of the US sponsored insurgency in Russia's Caucasus Region, the economic warfare, the abrogation of the ABM Treaty, the expansion of NATO to Russia's doorstep, the sinking of the Kursk, the multiple assassination attempts on Putin's life ultimately led to 911. Today the same storm clouds of war are stirring. This time it is the abrogation of the Open Skies, INF and START treaties. It is aggressive wargames on Russia's borders. It is SPACE FORCE. It is the murmurings of assassination attempts on Putin's life in the wake of the Soliemani assassination. Nuclear war is very much a possibility, if the worlds oligarchs cannot get it together and make nice. If they had any sense at all they would reinvigorate the United Nations. It is an institution that can facilitate and foster world peace. We just have to use it.